Bite ten

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The feeling of the hot jets of water hitting my skin feels amazing. I close my eyes gratefully, thankful that, even though a pandemic is at our doorstep, the hot water still works! It's something positive at least.

The whole room is foggy with steam and the warm spray of the shower soothes my aching muscles. I'm so glad I decided to shower before bed. I honestly feel a hundred times better already.

I take my time washing my hair and brushing my teeth, reveling in the euphoric sensation the water is having on my body. Rinsing out the shampoo; dirt, blood, grime and a whole lot of who knows what, slowly leaks its way down the drain in reddish-brown swirls. I sigh in contentment. I have a feeling the water will run cold before I'm going to want to get out. I allow my eye lids to flutter closed as I finish washing away the days filth.

After around fifteen minutes of closed eyed peacefulness, I feel my body begin to sway from exhaustion. Guess that's my cue to get out, I think with a sigh. I'm just about to switch off the water when I hear the squeak of the door. I freeze, heart instantly thundering in my chest. I thought those things couldn't open doors! "Oh god!" I whisper under my breath, as I remember where I am. And I couldn't be more defenceless right now if I tried! I'm in the fucking nude!

I'm just about to haul my ass out of the cubicle and take my chances making a run for it, when Eli's voice registers over the sound of the running water. "Brooklyn, you alright? It's been awhile..."

My back slams against the tiled wall of the cubicle in relief and I huff out the breath of air I had been holding. "I'm good." I manage to croak out, shortly after. "The hot water is just really relaxing." I answer his unspoken question.

He replies with a quick okay and I hear the door click close again. I relax into the jets again but after a couple of minutes the door reopens. Then the sound of shoes on tiles begins coming toward me. "What are you doing?" I ask hesitantly, the footsteps drawing nearer.

"You said the water was relaxing, right?" He doesn't wait for my answer before continuing. "Sooo... I'm going to shower." He states sardonically, like he's explaining something to a child. The footsteps stop somewhere near the bench outside the shower cubicles, where you set all of your belongings while you wash. Much to my horror, I hear shoes being discarded and a belt buckle being undone.

My mouth falls agape. The audacity! "Um, excuse me!" I grind out, teeth clenching in my anger. "You cannot have a shower right now!"

I hear him snicker and I feel my face beginning to heat with the rage I'm experiencing. "And why's that?" He drawls cockily.

I struggle to withhold the profanities working their way up my throat. "Because I'm in here you piece of shit!" I shout, relenting to my cursing subconscious.

He laughs outwardly at my outburst. "Why does it bother you so much? It's just a shower." His voice muffles at the end and I assume that means his shirt has come off. Fuck. This is the worst time to be thinking about his naked body.

Flustered by my thoughts, I can't think of anything to say to his question. Instead I just stand there under the ever present spray of water, furiously trying to form some kind of coherent thought in my head. The sound of bare feet on tile, slowly advancing towards me makes my breath hitch in my throat. What's he doing...?

"Could it be?" He states, amusement clear in his voice, along with something else. What is it? "Could you be getting all flustered at the thought of us showering in the same room?"

I open my mouth to yell a denial but no sound comes out. Stupid, hormonal, traitorous body!

"Wow Brooklyn, who knew you were so innocent? I wouldn't think you'd get so hot and bothered over something so trivial." The amusement in his tone trails off at the end of his sentence and is instead just left with that tone of something else...

Desire. The thought triggers in the back of my mind. I squeeze my thighs together, the sinful feeling I got when I used to kiss Chase, on our dates, beginning to build there. This feeling is so much more intense, however. I never felt a yearning this bad with him.

"I wonder what expression is on your face right now?" He states, voice turning husky. "Hmph, you know what? I'm going to come and see." His states confidently, stepping right up to the shower curtain when he says this.

His words register and I step out of the spray, whipping my hand out and wrenching my towel from off of the hook beside me. I wrap myself in it just in time, the shower curtain being pulled aside. He doesn't hesitate before stepping down into the cubicle and trapping me against the wall. His muscles flex to the sides of me and I'm painfully aware that he's only wearing a towel around his perfectly v-shaped waist. His breath fans over my cheek as he leans down.

I clutch the towel to my chest for dear life, as my heart pounds so hard, I feel, it may possibly break a rib. His lips caress the sensitive skin behind my ear and I can't stop the tiny moan that escapes my lips. I open my eyes in time to see his pupils dilate with lust.

He rakes his eyes up and down my body and I'm sure he can see the evidence of my desire from the outline of my hard nipples through the towel. His jaw clenches and his hands make their way onto my hips. "You're so fucking gorgeous." He moans out, tugging at the towel concealing the parts only I have ever seen.

I could've come undone at just his words, but luck was unfortunately not on my side. Or it was on my side depending on how you look at it? "The supply of warm water chooses that moment to go ice cold. The jets pelt us with freezing bullets of ice water and we both jump apart in fright.

The shock of the cold seems to wake me from my lust induced daze and I hastily secure the soaking wet towel around me. Red from embarrassment and anger at my weak will, I rush out of the cubicle before he can stop me. I dismiss my clothes of the bench and head straight for the door, making sure not to slip on the tile.

Rushing down the hall, I scold my self for my weak will. What happened to 'not giving in to the fuckboy', huh Brooke!? What happened to that plan!? Sometimes my stupidity makes me wonder if I have a learning disability or something. I can't be this stupid and not have something wrong with me, surely?

Once I'm in Sher and I's room , I navigate my way around Eli's mattress on the floor and make fast work of throwing on a hoody and sweatpants. I debate between brushing my hair or hiding under the covers in embarrassment. The choice is made for me when I hear footsteps coming down the hall. I dive under the covers and calm my breathing.

The door opens and I listen closely to his movements as he sets his things down before walking over to my bed. He takes a cautious glance at Sher before speaking.  "You up still?" He asks, voice in a low whisper.

I keep my eyes closed firmly and concentrate on taking even breathes. I have a feeling he knows I'm faking because I hear him chuckle lightly. He doesn't press me further however and he makes his way over to his own bed.

We lay in silence and despite my exhaustion, I can't seem to drift off. My thoughts plague my mind and I feel a disquiet inside of my body. Eventually (I'm not sure how long after) sleep finally takes me. Though, not a peaceful one. My dreams are filled with Eli, steam filled showers and possibilities. So many possibilities.


Another early update. I know I'm great, no need to comment that. (But you can if you really want to ;) )

What did you guys think about the steamy shower scene? Too steamy or not steamy enough?

I actually wasn't planning on letting the scene become that intimate but once I started writing it, I couldn't stop. Haha oh well🤷‍♀️

Hope you all enjoy! <3

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