Bite seventeen

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I wake early the next morning. I slept surprisingly well considering. Must be due to this amazingly comfortable bed. It's so much better than the one in my dorm room! With that thought I snuggle into the duvet even more, finding a nice warm spot.

A small groan escapes the body next to me and I wince thinking I've woken Aiden. His arm reaches up and wraps around my midriff, essentially trapping me against him, but he still doesn't stir. I'm not surprised, he's a deep sleeper.

I blush as I think of last night. Jesus Brooke, what are you doing? First in the shower with Eli and now in a bed with Aiden. You ain't no two-timing hoe. Make yo mind up girl.

I don't know why but my inner ghetto comes out when I'm mad. It's another quirk of mine.

I carefully manoeuvre myself from Aiden's hold and head to the toilet. I pee and brush my teeth with my finger again. If there's something I can't stand, it's morning breath. I can't be bothered with my hair right now so I tie it in a messy bun. Who cares?

I really want to know what the time is but there's no clock in the room and it's not like I can just whip my phone out like I used to. The lighting outside suggests quite early. My guess would be 7 or 7:30?

I feel a bit sad about having no cellphone. I used to take it for granted, not realising how it helped me everyday with the small things. Once some smart ass scientist figures out this end of the world mess, I'll never take my electronic friends for granted again.

I head to the kitchen craving coffee but I know I can't have one. That's another thing I won't take for granted again; my local coffee shop. Oh and the hot water needed for the coffee! I'm going to need a list to remember it all soon.

I reach the kitchen and stop in my tracks. Eli is standing in front of the counter, stirring a pot on the little gas cooker. His broad shoulders block most of the grey light from the window causing him to be cast in an almost ethereal glow. My stomach growls when I see the plate of eggs next to him and smell the beans cooking in the pot.

He turns to me. Probably from hearing my fat ass stomach growl. I mentally roll my eyes at myself. Can your fat ass not be hungry for one minute!

"Hungry?" He asks, after a moment of awkward silence. I just nod in response, feeling tongue tied. He looks absolutely delicious. Freshly shaved and hair a wet, tousled mess. He obviously didn't care about the showers being freezing. Suddenly I'm hungry for something other than food.

I cringe at my own dirty mind. How can someone who's too scared to even have sex, have such dirty thoughts? I am seriously fucked up.

I take a cautious seat at the table as Eli puts eggs and beans onto two plates. He places mine in front of me with a more than generous serving. "Thank you." I manage before my throat closes in on itself once again.

He nods and sits down opposite me. He immediately digs into his food taking hearty bites. His lips look so good when he chews. Very kissable. Mmm.

He looks up and catches me staring and I quickly look down and start eating to cover my blush.

He clears his throat and leans back in his chair. I get nervous and start chewing overly fast as I know he's staring at me. After what feels like a lifetime, he speaks.

"Why do you do that?" Eli's eyes are hard as I slowly raise my head to look at him.

I'm a bit confused so I take my time swallowing before answering him. "Do what?"

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