Bite thirteen

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"You two know each other?" Eli interrupts the very awkward silence in the vehicle.

I know I should answer but I can't seem to make my jaw muscles obey. I think I'm in shock. I never thought I'd see Aiden ever again, I mean, it's basically the end of civilization after all. I'm thrilled he's alive, don't get me wrong, but I just don't think I can deal with the added stress at the moment. Not to mention the fact that we've been dating on and off for the past few months. Again, I would just like to put it out there that he's not technically my boyfriend. We never made anything official. So why do I feel so guilty? I haven't done anything wrong. Yes there were a few heated moments with Eli but, in the end, that's my decision... I'm just scared as to how Aiden will react if Eli happens to let something slip about last nights shower episode. I shudder at the thought. Even though we're not together officially, hearing that will definitely piss him off.

Then I remember mine and Eli's conversation from the broom closet. I told him I had a boyfriend... Jesus, it'd be embarrassing if he found out I was lying.

Thankfully Sher notices my obvious distress and, before my silence becomes to substantial to ignore, she intervenes. "Oh they know each other alright." She begins in her telltale sarcastic tone.

My mind goes into panic mode. Please Sher! Don't say anything that will make this situation any worse. Well she obviously isn't a mind reader because she proceeds to make things a thousand times worse.

"Aiden's her boyfriend." She finishes, turning to me and winking. Oh god. Should I go along with it and save my pride or tell the truth! Is it bad that I'm even more panicked now then I was while running for my life earlier.

Immediately the atmosphere around Aiden, in the front seat, lightens. A wide smile spreads across his face, very obviously portraying the pleasure Sher's statement brought him. I'm not surprised. Aiden always hinted about maybe becoming a couple but I always deflected the offer with the excuse that, 'I had to focus on my studies.' It's not that I didn't like him or anything. He's attractive and he's actually a really sweet guy, it's just... I don't know... It's like I think of him more as a goofy, guy friend rather than a intimate boyfriend... That didn't stop me from making out with him, on the other hand... Oh I don't know! I'm so fucking confused!

While the front seat is all cheerful and lighthearted, the atmosphere in the back has all of a sudden taken a really dark feel. I realise why when I look over at Eli. There's a stony expression on his face like a storm has just rolled over his features. His fists are clenched at his sides and he's staring at Aiden with murder in his eyes. Okayyy, Mr bipolar. One minute you're anti me in every way, except to try and get sex, and now your all jealous and psycho looking?

Wanting to move quick before Eli decides to act on his murderous urges, I place my hand over his clenched fist. My palm only just barely covers his knuckles. The guy's a fucking beast!

This seems to grab his attention and I raise my eyebrows at him as if to say, "Really? Jealous?"

He just shakes his head in response, trying to look like he's not bothered, but the angry, brooding aura is a dead giveaway. I decide to just leave it. We can't really talk about it when Aiden and Sheridan are in the car with us anyway.

The rest of the drive consists of Aiden jabbering away about how he had survived the apocalypse so far and Sher telling our story in return. I chip in with the conversation here and there but only after little nudges from Sher. Eli stays completely silent. Aiden even asked if he was a mute at one point. This statement seemed to anger Eli judging from the way he tensed up after it was said. Thankfully, however, he kept his anger in check.

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