Bite nineteen

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Okay guys so I'm just warning you right here because I don't want no hate in the comments. Some violent shit is coming up so if you're not comfortable with comments about murder or rape then I suggest you do not read. So yep, that's all. Carry on if you wish. Do not comment shit about how it's inappropriate or disgusting because it's all fiction and I warned you all. Thank you.

Brooke's POV:

"Against the wall Sweetnees."
The man steps out of the doorway and pushes towards me, gun aimed, until I'm flush against the solid oak. Small, greasy hand prints form on the smooth wood where my hands make contact, sweat practically pouring out of my palms. I'm trying not to show how petrified I am but I know it's a useless feat. The fear is radiating off of me in tidal waves.

So many thoughts race through my head all at once. Need a weapon. We're going to die. Sher is all I have. Protect Sher. The kids are so helpless. Protect the kids. We're going to die. Where's Aiden? Is he still asleep? Does he have any idea what's happening? Oh my god, we're all going to die.

Thoughts of Eli seem to trump all else as I feel them pushing all the others to the side. Where's Eli? Is he hurt? Please don't be dead. I still need you.

As if I'm not already an inch away from tipping over the edge, Gina's whimpering and Jack's muffled sobs are almost enough to make me to lose my sanity.

Tears of frustration brim like dams about to overflow as a second man is revealed from behind the first guys bulky frame. Hopes of somehow fighting our way out of this situation are completely squashed as I see the second man. There's no way we can fight off the two of them, especially since they're both armed.

I can tell instantly that the newcomer is much skinnier and is long overdue for a shave but, despite their differences looks wise, his intentions seem to align with the brutes as he stalks toward Sher, gun in hand.

My heart races as I try and figure out what to do. These men are not good guys. If it wasn't obvious from Eli not returning with them and his very broken nose, then it is obvious from the look in the brutes eyes when he saw me. Psychotic glee and lust. My breakfast churns in my stomach as the nausea takes hold. My mind races with the question 'What do they want?', but deep down I already know. I'm just refusing to accept it. My fragile state of mind can't even handle entertaining the possibility of it. Even so, I know my subconscious has it right.

"Looky here Benny, we got us some pretty ones, don't we?" Brute says, eyeing me up and down.

I don't dare move as he leans in close to my face, still firmly pressed against the wall. His broken nose almost touches mine in his proximity. His breath is disgustingly humid as it fans against my cheek. The smell of sour beer permeates the air between our bodies as he speaks. "Much prettier than I was expecting."

His eyes do a once over of my body and I fight the urge to spit on his face as his eyes linger too long on my chest. I quickly cover myself where I'm, all of a sudden, hyper-aware that I am still not wearing a bra from last night. My muscles eventually begin to twitch from the effort of restraining my emotions. I'm a breath away from losing all self control when he finally steps away. My breathing is erratic, by this point, and I struggle to calm the strange surges I'm feeling in my chest. This is the first time in my life where I've ever felt murderous. Like... I could actually kill someone. In particular, these fucking pigs.

As Brute steps back, he surveys the room, his eyes landing on the whimpering children. It's as if he only just noticed they were there from the look of dawning realisation on his face. Probably due to the fact that he's very obviously inebriated.
The floorboards creak under his boots as he makes his way over to their parents bed.

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