Chapter 2:The Argument Part 1

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It felt like a ton of bricks just hit me. I couldn't believe it. A million questions were running through my head: Why?  What's wrong with this house? Is something wrong with grandma or grandpa? I was thinking all these things but I couldn't find the energy to say them. I took a few deep breaths before I spoke.

(Continued from Chapter 1)
Y/N: Why Dad?
Y/D/N: Long story short, your mom divorced me. She said we have 2 weeks to leave.
Y/N: WTF WHY!!??
Y/D/N:She's been cheating on me this whole time with her doctor.
You could tell he was really pissed. His face was really red and his hands were clenched tightly at his sides. 
Y/D/N: Then she tells me she was planning this for at least 2 years!Anyway, you have a hour to pick who you want to stay with.
You were so deep in your thoughts that you almost didn't hear what he said.
Y/N: The thing is that I don't pick between either of you.
You felt your heart was starting to break.
Y/D/N: Well, I honestly don't care who you pick.
Y/N: Idk....
You fled up the stairs and into your room. You slammed and locked the door. A few seconds later, your dad was banging on the door.
Y/D/N: Open the door right now Y/N! We're both going through the same thing right now and getting mad over a few little words is not helping the situation!
Y/N: Sometimes words can hurt dad! Now go away pls! Just leave me alone!
After he left you, you quickly dialed your bestfriend. She picked up on the 3rd ring.
Y/B/N: Wassup girl?
Y/N: Just come over ok?
Y/B/N: I can't; my grandparents are over. What's wrong?
Y/N: My dad just told me my mom divorced him and we have to move in 2 weeks.
Y/B/N: Oh sweetie.....
Y/N: And my dad is acting he doesn't want me living with him; my mom said I'm going with him.
Y/B/N: You know you can always stay with me and my family.
Y/N: Ya right. I liked to see how'd that work when you have 3 dogs and I'm allergic to dogs.
Y/B/N: Oh right I forgot.
Y/N: Eh it's ok.
Y/B/N: So....who you gonna say with?
Y/N: Oh shit, I haven't even thought about that. I'll call you right back after I make my decision ok?
Y/B/N: Ok girl, good luck!
Y/N: Thxs girl. Byee!
You hung up and thought about each parent. You finally came to a choice and prayed you were making the right decision. You went down the stairs and opened the kitchen door. Your dad was sitting at the dinner table eating a pizza, looking very lonely and sad. You could tell how heartbroken he was. You sighed. Your dad suddenly looked at you, eagerly awaiting your answer.
Y/N: Dad, I decided I'm saying with.....

Who's she gonna pick?🤔 I told you guys this chapter would be more exciting😉. Oh it's not? Ok😢Lol but seriously tell me how you felt about  this chapter. And part 2 is coming VERY soon👌So keep reading❤

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