Chapter 9: Breakup (Part 1)

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I arrived at my uncle's apartment on Sunday morning. He came outside and greeted me with a handshake and some more cash. I didn't tell him my true reason for being here. That was none of his business. I told him that I just wanted to see him before senior year started. He believed it, like I knew he would. He had already set up a nice room for me, which I probably wouldn't be using that much. I really didn't sleep much at night. I used to take meds for my sleeping problem, but they weren't really working for me, so I left them sitting by my bed back home. Plus, I was going to be too busy looking for my precious girl, Y/N. (END OF POV)

*Sunday Morning*
You woke up and immediately felt the urge to throw up. You fled to the bathroom and threw up in the tub. You hated throwing up so much. It felt so awful. Once you were done, you got up and went to the mirror. Your makeup was smudged and smeared all over, and your eyes were red and puffy from crying all night. Going to that party was a big mistake. Even though you drunk quite a bit last night, you could remember every single detail. Especially what happened in the bathroom with Grayson. You felt tears start to fill your eyes and you quickly wiped them away. You took in a shaky breath and washed your face and brushed your teeth, wanting to get rid of the alcohol breath before your dad saw you. After you were done, you slowly walked to the kitchen, where your dad was sitting at the table, drinking a cup of coffee and typing away on his computer.

Y/D/N: Did you sleep alright?
Y/N: Yeah, why do you ask?
Y/D/N: 'Cause you were on the couch.
Y/N: Oh yeah. It was comfy I guess.
Y/D/N: Oh ok. Hey I was wondering since I don't have to go to work today, we could go somewhere, like a park or movie or something. Unless you're planning on hanging with Ethan.

You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before speaking to your father.

Y/N: No, Ethan is busy today so sure we can hang out, dad.
Y/D/N: Great! It's 11:30, so be back here at 12:00 so we won't miss the
12:15 showing!
Y/N: Alright.

You grabbed a granola bar from the counter and ran upstairs while eating it. You really wanted to stay inside and mope all day, but you didn't want let your dad down either. Plus, you didn't want him to go after Ethan. You still loved Ethan even if he hates you right now. You sighed and went to take a quick shower. After you were done, you dressed in dark blue jeans and a basic t-shirt. Since you weren't really in the mood for makeup or doing your hair, you threw it up into a messy bun and put on a hoodie. You slipped on some shoes and ran back into the kitchen, where your dad was waiting in a t-shirt and khaki shorts. You both walked out the apartment and to the car, where your dad got in and drove the five minutes to the theater.

I've only been here for 2 hours and uncle already wanted to go somewhere. He liked to move around and spend money. I did too, but I wanted to stay at the apartment. My uncle kept insisting I go. I decided to go; I needed some fresh air anyway. I got dressed and headed downstairs, to find my uncle already dressed. We both got in the car and drove a little ways to the movie theater. Once we got inside, my uncle got the tickets and snacks. I headed inside the theater and found a seat in the far back. The movie was going to start in a couple minutes. Suddenly, a girl walked in. She had a hoodie on, so I couldn't see her face, but she looked like Y/N's height. I leaned forward. If only there was a little more light on here. Then I remembered. Her frangrace. I got up and walked past her with my head down. Lilic was her! I went back to my seat, which my uncle was now sitting in. I sat beside him and stared at the back of Y/N's head. Soon, a man came and sat beside her. Then the movie started....(End of POV)

Ethan's POV:
It was nearly 12:00 and I still hadn't moved from my bed all day. My heart was broken and nothing could really fix it. I hated Y/N but at the same time I really liked her. And I couldn't really blame anyone but myself for what happened. Y/N was drunk and Gray didn't know she was mine. I picked up a picture frame and threw it at the wall in anger, the glass shattering into thousands of pieces. Like I expected, Grayson came running, banging on the door.

'What the hell are you doing Ethan!?'
'Nothing bro just chillin.'
'Ethan please come out. I'm sorry about last night, I didn't know she was your girl.'
'I know it's okay'
'So we cool?'
'No bro fuck off.'
I turned toward the wall and tried to sleep. (End of POV)

The movie wasn't really interesting. You were busy thinking of Ethan. His eyes, his smile, his laugh,his lips- you inhaled sharply, trying not to cry like a little baby. It hasn't been a full 12 hours yet and you missed him alot. You had to text him. You excused yourself to go to the restroom.
You quickly sped walk to the restrooms. Once you got inside a stall, you pulled out your phone and texted Ethan:

Ethan:😍💘: Ethan, I know you're still mad at me about last night. And I know what I did is probably unforgivable. I just want to say I'm really sorry, and I like you very much, E. I never intended for that to happen; it was all a big mistake. And if you don't forgive me, I understand. Just pls forgive your brother; he doesn't deserve to be shunned because of my mistake. Byee and ily♡

Salty tears were streaming down your face by the time you walked out the stall. You went to the sink and splashed some water on your face. You looked up and realized how horrible you looked. You shook your head and grabbed a paper towel and dried off. Heading back into the theater, you checked your phone and saw below the text you sent Ethan 'Read'..........

Wonder what he said....or what he didn't say?🤔I had to make a part 1 because the chapter was way to long this is 1,144 words lol but tysm guys for 541 reads and 74 votes!😁💘 I really appreciate it and I hope you're enjoying this story! Part 2 of Chapter 9 coming soon😘

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