Chapter 6:The Surprise

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*The next morning*
It was Saturday morning. You woke up to the smell of bacon and waffles. You yawned and smiled. Hanging out  last night with Ethan was amazing. He made you feel so special. You hoped to meet his twin soon. Since it was only you and your dad here, you put on some leggings and oversized t-shirt and didn't bother to comb your hair or clean your face. You made your way downstairs and couldn't believe what you saw....

Ethan's POV:
I woke up this morning and decided to surprise Y/N. I would come to her house and eat breakfast with her and her dad. I know it's a little weird. But I'm pretty sure I want to go out with this girl, so why not meet her dad? I showered and put on jeans and a plain t-shirt. Grayson was downstairs cooking some pancakes, I wasn't going  to eat any; that's just not for me.

'Ayee Gray, I'm gone.'
'Where bro?'
'To get breakfast.'
'Lie; we have some delicious, succulent pancakes right here. Plus, I see the look on your face. You meet a girl.'
'Yeah whatever you say. Plus your pancakes aren't delicious or succulent.'

He looked shocked but he knew I was kidding. I walked out the door to my car. I got in and drove to Y/N's apartment. When I knocked, her dad answered the door.

'Who are you?'
'Um I'm a friend of Y/Ns'. My names Ethan.'
He looked me up and down.
'How old are you?'
'16 sir'
'You look older.'
'Haha I know but trust me I'm not ok?'
'Ah ok. Come on in I'm cooking a little breakfast.'

I walked behind him into the kitchen.i smelled bacon. I sat down on a crate since there was no furniture. Me and Y/N's dad talked for a little until I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I looked up and there was Y/N, her hair messy and her mouth opened in a O. (End of POV)

Why did he have to come now? It's not that you didn't want him here, it's just that you looked like crap. Ethan had this huge smile on his face while your dad looked back and fourth between you two.
Y/D/N: So you know Ethan right,Y/N?
Y/N: Yeah he's my friend.
Y/D/N: Where did you guys meet?
Y/N: At a burger place.
Y/D/N: Hmmm ok.

You went and sat on a crate next to Ethan. He reached over and touched your hair. You swatted his hand away.

Y/N: What are you doing here?
Ethan: I just wanted to see you ugly.
Y/N: You're such a bad lair!
Ethan: For real! I just wanted to see you....and maybe ask could I take you on a date?
Y/N: Ummmm.....
Ethan: I really hope you say yes. I truly like you. I hope you like me too.
Y/N: Omg I do like you Ethan. And yes I'll go out with you.

He picked you up off the crate and swung you into his arms.

Ethan: Omg babygirl, you don't know how happy you've made me. Now where do you want to go? Any place you want!
Y/N: I gotta think about it.

Suddenly your dad came in with breakfast. He served it on paper plates  and Ethan and you grabbed a plate.
Y/D/N:I know you're seeing my daughter.

Ethan and you looked at your dad.

Y/D/N: All I have to say is please treat her right and if you don't, then I'm coming after you!

Ethan laughed and you smiled and blushed as Ethan squeezed your hand.

Ethan: Don't worry sir, I will.

Your dad smiled.


Ik this chapter is super crappy no need to tell me🙃😩 hopefully chapter 7&8 will be more exciting😉but hope you guys enjoy and I'm super hungry so I'm stop this right here lol😂💗

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