Chapter 8: Party Problems

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After you and Ethan got ice cream, you wanted to go home.

Ethan:Are you sure?
Y/N: Yes Ethan plus my furniture might be coming today.

Suddenly your phone started ringing. You picked up the call and it was your dad.
'The movers are at the house and they say you're not there so where are you?
'I'm with Ethan.'
'Just come home.'
'Ok dad ily.'

He hung up without saying it back. You sighed and turned to Ethan.

Y/N: See I told you. Now take me home.
Ethan: Ok....

You both ran to the car and got in and pulled off. 30 minutes later you were at the apartment.

Ethan: Do you want me to stay, cause I would like to.
He bit his lip and looked you up and down. You rolled your eyes.
Y/N: No you should go.
Ethan: Oh ok.
He drove off, leaving you standing in your bikini on the sidewalk.

In 2 hours, the movers were done. They left and you plopped onto the couch. You couldn't believe your own bestfriend of four years would do this to you. She was the reason you and Y/E/N broke up. And you didn't even know. You rubbed your forehead and grabbed your phone and went on Instagram. You decided to look up Ethan. The first person that popped up was 'ethandolan'. You clicked on that and it was him. He had alot of followers, nearly 6mil. In his bio, it said 'I make vidoes with my twin brother.' Below, there was a link to his  latest YouTube video. You had time to kill, so why not? You clicked on it and the video was called 'Dolan Twins REALITY SHOW'. You watched it and laughed so much. You watched a couple more videos. Soon you lost track of time and when you finally noticed, it was 6:15. You had to get ready for the party! You put your phone down and ran to your bathroom. You hopped on the shower for 15 minutes. After you dried off, you went to select a outfit. You decided black skinny jeans, a crop top, and sneakers would be nice and casual. You tied a jacket around your waist for a extra touch. Once you did your hair and makeup it was 6:50. You decided to go outside and wait for Jodi. You didn't have to wait long. Five  minutes later, she pulled up and you got in and she drove off.

Ethan's POV:
'Aye Eth, I'm going to a party in a few. Wanna come along?'
'Ummm I don't know Gray; give me a sec.'
I was so worried about Y/N that I couldn't barely eat or sit still.  I just want her to be safe. Maybe going to this party will take my mind off things for a while. I could go for a drink anyway.
'Ay Gray, I'll go'
'Sweet. I'm driving.'
I laughed at Grayson and we both got in our car and drove off. I thought about texting Y/N and telling her to come to this party, but I guessed she might be sleep so I put my phone down and enjoyed the ride. (End of POV)

When you opened the door, all you hear was bass boosted music and screaming teens. You walked in and it was like a rave fest. People were carrying around plastic red cups, presumably with alcohol in them, and dancing very aggressively. Jodi grabbed your hand and pulled you through the crowd, straight to the kitchen, where some girls and boys were playing a game of strip tease.
Y/N: Wow this party really is something else.
Jodi: Yeah these parties are always extraordinary.
She took you to the bar, where the bartender handed you a very pretty drink.
Y/N: What the fuck is this!?
Jodi: Look, just drink it. It's really good.
Y/N: Eh...
Jodi: C'mon don't be a pussy.
You shrugged and tried to down it in one gulp, but it was stronger than you expected and you spit it all out. Jodi sat there laughing at you. She nodded toward the bartender.
Jodi: Get her something a little less strong. It's gonna be a long night.

Ethan's POV:
As soon as I walked through the door, girls started swarming around me, their breaths reeking of alcohol. I gently pushed past a few only to be greeted by more. I stood on my toes to see over their heads and could see Grayson sneaking off to the bar. What a great brother I have. (End of POV)

*30 minutes later* 
You had been dancing with Jodi, and drinking a little,making you become a little tispy. Suddenly, you had to use the bathroom.
You stumbled nearly the whole way. You finally made it to the bathroom and opened the door. A boy was looking at the mirror. It was Ethan. You grabbed his shoulder. He spun around quick.
Grayson: What the h-
Y/N: Hiii babee wat ya doing here?
Grayson: Um I don't know y-
You kissed him before he could say anything else. He was shocked at first, but he slowly started to kiss back. something about his lips felt different. And his hands, which were starting to roam all over your body. Maybe it was just the alcohol. You grabbed the back of his head to pull him deeper into the kiss. His hand went to your lower back and pulled you closer. He pushed you against the wall and started kissing your neck softly. Just as he was going lower, someone opened the door and screamed your name.

Ethan's POV:
I had been talking to these girls for nearly 20 minutes. I told them I had to go and gently pushed through them. I looked around for Grayson, but I didn't see him. I decided to go look in the bedrooms but he was no where to be found. I went out to the patio. He wasn't there either. The only other place I could think of was the bathroom. I headed back inside the house and down the hall to the restroom. I knocked but no one answered. I sighed and opened the door and couldn't believe what I saw. It was Y/N.....with Gray. I screamed Y/N's name. (End of POV)

You looked at the person who screamed your name. It was Ethan! So this must be his twin realized what you had done.  You pushed Grayson away, who fell in the tub.
Ethan: Omg Y/N I can't believe you would do this to me.....Grayson I'm so disappointed in you.
Grayson: Bro, she came on to me!
Ethan: Is that true, Y/N?
Y/N: I swear it was a accident, Ethan. I had a little too much to drink.
Ethan: Whatever, you and Grayson can have each other, I'm done with both of you.
Y/N: Omg....Ethan are you serious? I love you. I never meant to hurt you.
Ethan: I don't wanna hear anymore of your lies. Just leave me alone.

You could hear the pain in his voice. You started to cry and ran past Ethan. You couldn't really see cause of the tears, so you bumped into a lot of people. You finally found Jodi. She was sitting on a couch with four guys, telling jokes and laughing.

Y/N: Jodi, can we go please?
Jodi looked at you. When she saw your tears, she got up and pulled you to the side.
Jodi: Girl what happened? Did one of these guys do something to you? I'm gonna kick their asses.
Y/N: No, it was nothing like that. Just take me home pls I'll tell you about it later.
Jodi: Ok.
She helped you out the door and to the car. Once she arrived to your apartment, you opened the door and ran into the couch, sobbing loudly. You knew you could never find another boy like Ethan.

I nearly cried writing this ugh😣hope you guys like this and I would really appreciate if you could ask your other friends to read this if they want lol. I haven't finished writing Chapter 9 because I lost inspiration for a little, but hopefully I'll get it done😁so umm bye✌💕

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