Chapter 7:Secrets & Trouble

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I managed to get Y/B/N to tell me where Y/N went. Once she told me, I told her we were done. She started sobbing really loudly, but I just shook my head and walked out the door. I was determined to get Y/N back. No matter what. I opened my car door and got in. I called my uncle who lived in California. I asked him could I stay with him for awhile. I had always been his favorite nephew so it was no problem. Now I just needed some money and my clothes. And something lethal. (End of POV)

After breakfast, you and Ethan decided to go swimming. You went to your room and selected a 2-piece light blue bathing suit. You reviewed yourself in the mirror. You hoped Ethan would like it. You took a deep breath and walked out. Ethan was standing by a window when he turned around and looked at you.

Ethan: Wow. I'm so blessed to have you.
Y/N: Awww
Ethan: But you know what would look better?
Y/N: What?
Ethan: If you didn't have anything on.
Y/N:Wow flirt game strong.
Ethan: Oh really?
Y/N: Nope!

You ran down the stairs with a change of clothes and Ethan running after. You and him both got in his car and drove to the beach. He started playing 'Pursuit of Happiness'  which was your favorite song, so you started singing, which made Ethan laugh and smile at you. After the song was over, you checked your phone. You had a message from Jodi and about 10 from Y/B/N. You checked the message from Jodi first.

Jodi🙌💖:I forgive you.💜 Sorry for being such a bitch to you. I was just a little shocked after that um thing happened between us.

You smiled and text back:

Y/N: Nah it's ok. I was being a bit of a bitch too. And let's never talk about that again ok?😩😂

Jodi: It'll be hard for me to forget but ok😁. Anyway there's a party at some guy I know place. Wanna come?

Y/N: Omg yesss

Jodi: Ok I'll pick you up at 7:00. TTYL!😘✌

Next you checked out Y/B/N messages.

Y/B/N: We need to talk asap. It's about Y/E/N.😭😭😭

Y/N: Omg what happened!?

Y/B/N: Just call me; it's easier to explain over the phone.

Y/N: Ok I will as soon as I can.

You put your phone down and looked over at Ethan. He was completely oblivious to the situation, humming a song and tapping on the wheel. You looked out the window and started thinking. What was wrong with Y/E/N? You could really care less what happened to him, as long as it had nothing to do with you. But Y/B/N was acting like something was really wrong. You turned to Ethan.

Y/N: How much longer 'till we get to the beach?
Ethan:Not long. Why you ask?
Y/N: I just can't wait to swim.
Ethan: Me too.
He smiled at you. His smile made you feel a whole lot better.
Soon, you and Ethan were at the beach.
Ethan: You go ahead. I'll change by the car.
Y/N: Haha ok.
You kissed him on the cheek and then got out the car. You walked over to a spot with no people and called Y/B/N. She picked up and all you could hear was crying.

(On the phone with Y/B/N)
Omg girl what the hell happened?
Y/E/N broke up with me.
Wait a minute, you guys were dating!? I can't believe you! And then you call me about it. Are you fucking serious?
Please listen to me Y/N. This concerns your safety.
Hurry up and tell me
Y/E/N forced me to tell him where you live. He still loves you alot and he wants you back.
Yeah whatever he's not that crazy
Please take this serious Y/N. He could be really dangerous.
Why do you care so much? You clearly don't care about how I feel about you dating my ex.
I'm sorry to tell you this but me and Y/E/N were talking before he met you and when he first starting dating you he was still talking to me.

You felt a lot of rage start to build inside you.

So you were one of those slutty girls in his phone?
Yes Y/N, I'm sorry but I liked him a lot.
Wow and I thought you were my bestfriend, Y/B/N. If you still had feelings for Y/E/N, you could have just told me instead of going behind my back and shit. I don't wanna ever talk to you again or Y/E/N. Bye hoe.

You hung up and turned around to see Ethan, staring at you with a shocked look on his face.

Y/N: Hi babe. Are you ready to go swimming?
Ethan: Yeah right after you tell me what that was all about.
Y/N: It was nothing; I was just saying bye to my bestie.
Ethan: Don't lie to me.
Y/N: I swear that's all. Can we go swim now? I'm getting cold.
Ethan: Ok

He smiled and ran toward the beach. You ran after him and both of you went splashing into the water. Soon, you got to a point where you couldn't feel your feet touching the bottom. Ethan was right next to you, looking around. You decided to go under. Ethan saw what you were doing and did the same. How could someone be so beautiful underwater? You probably looked like a turkey sausage. (😂) You swam away from Ethan. It was so peaceful underwater. Now if you could only get the thought of Y/E/N out of your head,everything would be great. You really hoped he wouldn't come to Cali and mess you everything. Suddenly, you felt something grab your foot and you let out a scream, except nothing came out and water came in. You quickly shot up to the surface and coughed up water. Ethan appeared in front of you, laughing very hard.

Y/N: What the fuck Ethan!? That's not funny!
Ethan: Omg I wish I could take a picture of your face right now.
Y/N: You're being so childish.
Ethan: C'mon babe, I was just having a little fun.
Y/N: Well that was not fun at all.

You swam quickly to the shore, leaving Ethan behind. You liked Ethan a lot, but now was not the time to play. You had alot of things on your mind and you just didn't feel like playing. Once you were on shore, you dried off and went to the ice cream shack and ordered a fudge pop. Soon after, Ethan came up and sat next to you. He grabbed your hand and kissed it. You both smiled.

Ethan's POV:
I had heard way more than ' " Bye hoe." ' I don't think I was supposed to hear anything, but I did. And I was a little pissed. It sounded like she was talking about her ex, and her last few words to whoever she was talking about her ex, and her last few words to whoever she was talking on the phone with sounded very heated. I decided not to talk about it; it was probably none of my business. (End of POV)

Oh. My. Gosh. Thxs so much for 284 reads!!!🙌😊❤ Hopefully, we can reach 300 by tonight!And I'm so sorry this chapter is bad it looked better on paper😭😣😩it might take a while for chapter 8 to come; it's longer than all the other chapters😩thxs for reading hope you enjoy😭💖

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