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Disclaimer - Warning, there will be some language in this story. This warning is meant for communities on Amino we link this story to. If you read past this, you have been warned. - Mitch

P.S.: This is in no way attributed to the current state of the Swords of Harmony on Aincrad Amino.

I would like to thank UserUnkown7 and AliphaMarrel in the making of this collaboration!

Virtual Reality: Discord and Demises


In a game called Sword Art Online, over 10,000 people got trapped, with 3,853 dying because of the mastermind of the game, Akihiko Kayaba. PKers were everywhere, and posed a major threat. But you know what they say, "War never changes." Two guilds, one being the game's strongest had enough of the rise in PK incidents and guilds. They teamed up to purge them out for good. One was the Swords of Harmony, and the other, the Knights of the Blood Oath. SoH and the KoB respectively. This is the story of the all-out war that would soon come.

The biggest PKer guild being Laughing Coffin led the enemy charge. Titan's Hand, a smaller guild who operated by sweet talking from their leader, Rosalia, brought the idea to LC's attention. They had escaped from the Black Iron Palace, Floor 1's prison. Anyone who breached the code of ethics or was a PKer was sent there.. Any player could do so by using Corridor Crystals.

A/N: I separated this from the main chapters to make it look neater, as this used to be combined with chapter 1. Just thought I'd notify my readers. Thanks!

Virtual Reality: Discord and Demises, an SAO War StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora