Chapter 10: The Urgent Search

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Chapter 10: The Urgent Search

A/N: Thank you for reading this all the way to now! We left it to a cliffhanger since it would make more sense to do the recon now so we didn't drag that chapter out farther than necessary. Plus Alipha likes cliffhangers. Enjoy!

Alipha's Note: Cliffhangers are what bring people back. So of course I like cliffhangers. Any good author would if it brings people back to their writing.

"Maka, do you want to start the recon mission right now? I have operational clearance by Command." I said. "All Stalker and Hunter units excluding Six-One are to return to base immediately." I said. Reaper went back to the Enclosure she lived in most of the time.

"Yes." Maka said.

"Solid copy." Everyone else responded.

I called Tia and Laura to the area immediately before kissing her happily. Maka would be callsign Hunter and I would stay Stalker.

Maka kissed him back. If Gabe truly was alive, she might hug Gabe to death.

"Alright, you know the drill. Hop on Laura and I'll scout with Tia." I said.

"Mhm!" Maka said, doing so. She was just hoping that there wouldn't be any guards.

"Wait for my signal to move up, I'll scan for stragglers." I said.

Maka nodded, preparing herself for a decently lengthed wait.

I started the recon sweep with all 3 heads and stopped after a lengthened flight. "Area clear up to where I am." I messaged.

Maka smiled, that means they could start moving, just would have to watch the sky for Tia and Mitch. That way they wouldn't run into danger, of any kind.

I saw her and waved up from the sky, it could be seen. "Let's move in tandem." I messaged.

Maka nodded slightly, still smiling. The thought that Gabe was alive made her happy.

I led the movement but suddenly stopped and flew straight down, landing and hopping off of Tia. I thought the person I saw was hostile. I waited for Maka.

Maka got off of Laura, and bolted over to Mitch. "What now?" She asked.

"Are you friend or foe?" I demanded an answer from the person, hand on my rapier handle. I was ready for anything.

"That's no way to talk to your info broker, now is it?" The person said with a smirk. "The name's Diamond."

I stood down. "We just got done exterminating Eva and her pests, so I'm not taking chances. On top of a war with PKers we were allied with the KoB in. I'm sorry Diamond. Plus, I didn't know the name of the broker who gave the lead." I said, apology in my voice.

"It's fine, you all did well in getting rid of Eva." Diamond said.

"And LC before that. The leader of Titan's Hand betrayed LC and their alliances." I said. "She's a friendly now."

"I know a lot, Mitch. Don't worry." Diamond said. "In roughly a mile, you'll find Gabe, but you have to let me do the talking."

"To be honest, anything to help my wife find her brother." I said. "This is one of six dragons and that's out of ten Familiars. That is one of my two canines." I said pointing to my Familiars. "Should we let you take the lead here?" I asked.

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