Chapter 7: Issuing the Ultimatum

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Chapter 7: Issuing the Ultimatum (Part 3 of 3)

A/N: This is the final part of the 3-piece chapter set, which concludes the war with Laughing Coffin. I hope you enjoyed it up to this point, because we're going well beyond the war itself. Enjoy!

Note from User - Holy shit I'm actually writing in this one! Yeah boi! *high fives Jerry in closet*

PoH was on the way to the coordinates foolishly falling into our trap with every last man he had. I ran it down with everyone one last time, but one person wasn't there at the time: User. I went to her door and knocked. "User? We're making the final push in the war, the push to end this! Rosalia betrayed PoH and fed us intel on every last detail and sent incorrect coordinates for where he thinks we'll attack next, so we're striking him while he's off-guard! Get everyone battle-ready! All Familiars!" I said.

"Ok.." User squeaked nervously from inside the room.

"User, he may have a lot of men, but our Familiars and the full power of Elias I finally harnessed in the assassination of XaXa, we have the edge." I said.

"But I've never been in a battle like this. Heck the last attack on the guild I wasn't even here. I guess I'm just worried I'll see something bad or mess up something" User said sheepishly.

"Last thing any of us will let happen is let another guildmate fall in combat. Why do you think Midnight, Darcie and I staged the assassination behind enemy lines? It broke their morale but this spurred them to fight, but in vain." I said plainly.

"I guess it's just nerves then. Every serious battle I've been in I've blacked out and woken up later." User squeaked.

"I'll have one of them protect you in the case that event should happen, I swear it." I said.

"Everyone seemed scared of me last time I blacked out. Didn't help I couldn't remember jack." User said rubbing the back of her head.

"User, I'm here and will protect you regardless. I always thought Elias would scare people off. He hasn't scared anyone off. Rosalia included and she's been my friend again since yesterday when she sided with us. But I'm primarily going to protect Maka, and you know why." I said. "Now let's regroup with everyone else." I added.

"I'm coming, but can you tell me what happened after I blacked out in that duel I had a few months ago?" User inquired while getting up.

"You were out cold for a good 4 hours, longer than when Elias' rage spikes happened and made me pass out at the bare minimum, I could have been out for days. You were just out cold and we all placed you back in your room and took turn keeping watch over you. Nothing drastic happened if that's what you're asking." I said

"What happened during the duel though? Did I get drunk somehow?" User joked.

"No, you just suddenly passed out. No one could determine what it was." I said. I got back with her to the attack force. "Commander, is everyone ready? Rosalia, is your band of ex-PKers ready to go?" I asked. "My Familiars and I are ready to move at a moment's notice." I said. "PoH will regret falling for that message." I laughed maniacally for one reason: The war was finally going to end today. "Ophi and Pythios will make walls of plasma and fire to block all avenues of escape for them. When that happens, as they'll be off-guard, rush them." I said, knowing they'd be unable to resist effectively.

"Mitch laughed maniacally. Should we be concerned?" User whispered to Alipha.

"No need for concern, I'm just not satisfied yet. PoH will pay for everything. Especially my friends' deaths, despite me eliminating their actual killers." I said.

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