Chapter 16: Return of an Old Friend, Arrival of a New One (Part 1)

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Chapter 16: Return of an Old Friend, Arrival of a New One (Part 1)

A/N (Ali's Edition, Which means not Mitch): So I will be writing the first part of this chapter with a new friend. Now you better enjoy this.

A/N: Welcome to the next chapter, guys! I hope you enjoy this since we have a new face to the writing team for the chapters. As always, input is welcomed as well as constructive criticism. Until next time! - Mitch

A/N: The new guy get used to it you spawn of Satan, yes I'm talking to you, yeah you the one reading this note, stop and think your life over. - William, Kass

A/N: Yep, he's the new person on the team for this fanfic. I'm grateful it's gotten this far as it stands. DISCLAIMER: From this chapter on, there may be innuendos or further, so readers, you have been warned.

It had been a few months since Alipha had left her group of friends so she could either try to find others, or something more interesting to do. Only hours earlier had she run into who she would quickly become friends with. "Hey, would you mind telling me your name. This whole time I've just been calling you, 'you'. It gets kinda annoying." Alipha said to the male.

He just stood and stared at her, not answering her question as he was asleep. Alipha just sighed, walked over to the nearby river, pulled a bucket from her inventory filled it with the cold water, then threw the water at him. She just hoped that it would wake him up. He immediately woke up without really speaking, he just seemed really fucking angry, "The fuck woman!!!!" He screamed, "The fuck do you think you are?!"

"Alipha, as I told you five times already. Your ass fell asleep, and it's only seven o'clock. Now for the love of god, what the hell is your name?!" Alipha said to him, slightly annoyed.

"My name?" He was confused as to why she wanted to know, but answered anyway "William, Arden, Kass. People call me Kass."

"Great. Now why don't you go find some more sticks to throw on the fire I managed to make, without your help." She demanded of him.

"Hmmmmm, alright." He did as she had asked without question.


"Wouldn't dream of it m'lady." He responded under his breath out of her ear shot.

She just rolled her eyes and opened her menu, going to her friends list, and scrolling through the list. She got close to the bottom of the list where the name «Mitchell» happened to be. Alipha decided it would be a good idea to message him to tell him where the bloody hell she had been. She began writing the message, and when she finished the message, it read as such:

"To Mitchell,

I do apologize for being gone as long as I have been, I've been out on my own little mission. Though I'll be returning soon. Don't worry too much if you can. I should be back within the next few days. Not much to worry about. See you soon.

~~Alipha A.M.H."

Alipha sighed, closed her menu, and sat down on a log. She just had to wait for Kass to come back so she could get them some food, rest, then a decent time of travel.

I saw the message and smiled. I then typed my message in reply:

"To Alipha,

It's good to hear from you. My brother officially joined the guild as of late and we have two more dragons with us. Oh, joy. We miss you and I hope you get back safely. Should I relay the message to the guild by telling the others or no? It's your call. See you soon, Ali.

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