Chapter 13: Back to Reality and Entering ALO

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Chapter 13: Back to Reality and Entering ALO
A/N: Decided to keep that one short since we logged out of SAO in that one. This is making amends with others, going home, and joining ALO. Enjoy!
Alipha's Note: I made him make the chapter shorter!
Ass. XD

We all woke up, but we didn't have any damaging aftereffects from it, so we could take off our life support machines and walk around. I felt Maka's presence. "M-Maka....?" I called out softly.
"Mitch?" Maka said, she recognized his voice. How could she not?
"Where are you?" I asked.
Maka stood carefully, slowly making her way to where she had heard Mitch's voice. She didn't want to take any chances of falling.
I saw her walking up to me. "Darling...." I ran and hugged her. "I never thought I'd get to see the real you. You're beautiful..."
"Th-thanks." Maka said, starting to blush.
I kissed her cheek before stopping and hearing familiar voices. "Midnight, Josh, Kayaba, Asuna, Inori? You're all here?!" I said, astounded. Practically everyone was here.
"Silly Mitch, of course I'm here!" Asuna said.
"We all must live in a similar area then." Midnight said.
"That's the only logical explanation." I replied to Midnight as I saw Scarlett. "Scarlett....?" I said.
"Figured I'd make my way over here." Scarlett said. "Everyone else is over here, so why not?"
I gave her a brotherly hug. "We did it." I smiled. Gabe, Yushiro, aka Romeo in-game, and then my parents along with Maka's father showed up. Knowing how happy Midnight was with Josh, Kayaba probably wouldn't want to separate them. Kayaba saw his daughter for real again, but saw David, my father along with my family.
"Leo, would you like to live with me since I live alone?" Scarlett asked.
Leo smiled. "How about you live with me?" He said, "I have a little sister, Hannah."
"Sounds like a plan hon." She smiled. Maka saw Gabe and her father.
Maka ran over to Gabe and her father. "Dad!" She said happily, as she and Gabe hugged him.
He had hugged back. Happy to see his children again. "It's nice to be able to see the two weirdos that got stuck in a game again." He said to them.
I let them have their reunion unless my name was called. I saw Asuna. "Asuna!!" I ran and hugged her tight. Kayaba would see his daughter for real again too.
"Mitch, did you seriously ignore me a bit ago? Wow..." Asuna said, hugging him back.
"I knew you were here, I was just in shock as I'm not used to this since we spent two years in that Hellhole." I admitted.
Asuna laughed. "You could have said something sooner."
"True." I chuckled sheepishly. I noticed Kayaba and Midnight reuniting in the back of my eye.
Kayaba was hugging Midnight tightly, he had missed being able to hug her, and it was his fault for not doing much before SAO.
"Yuki, I'm sorry. I should have done this years ago. I really am sorry." Kayaba said quietly.
"It's okay Dad, really. You're doing it now, and making up for it, that's all that really matters." Yuki responded.
Kayaba and Yuki would notice me smiling at them. Then Dad would speak up.
"Akihiko." David, my father said.
"David." Kayaba responded. "I should apologize to you next. I'm sorry for the hellish actions I put you and the family through." He added.
"I forgive you. Knowing you didn't cause this gave me a change of heart." Dad said.
"I'm glad you can." Kayaba said.
The others agreed. "Yuki!" Mike smiled.
"Oh hey Mike!" Yuki said.
"Good to see you, old friend!" He smiled.
"You too. How have you been?" Yuki asked.
"Wrapping college up. It's been kicking my ass, but it's close to finishing." He sighed with a chuckle. He went and hugged her, glad to have the families reunited.
Yuki hugged him back. She was more than happy to be back in the real world.
"I missed you guys." He said. "Who's the guy?" He chuckled.
"Hm?" Yuki said.
He pointed to Josh.
"Josh, the old leader of the guild I was a part of. Same with Mitch, Scarlett, Maka, Gabe, and a few others, that are bound to be here somewhere." Yuki said.
"Maka, Gabe? And seriously, Scarlett? Haven't heard that name in ages." He smirked. He saw her, and she would be shocked.
"Mike?! Alright, this was not expected." Scarlett said.
"Hello, old friend. We were informed and are going to pick him up." He said. Then he turned to Yuki, still clearly confused about Maka and Gabe.
"Mitch's in game wife, and in game brother in law." Yuki smirked.
"That sly devil." He smirked.
"Yuki!!" Maka said, starting to blush again.
"What!? It's only the truth!" Yuki said.
"That's my brother for ya. Oh, I'm his twin by the way. I'm Mike." He said to Maka.
Maka gave a small nod, now clinging to Mitch's arm.
I smiled. Dad and other family members as well. The words Yuki said would reach the ears of Maka's father. Yushiro came into Yuki's line of sight.
"Yushiro!" Yuki said happily. She ran over and hugged her cousin.
Maka's father, Brian, looked at Mitch, then to Maka and smiled. "Did you keep her alive?" He asked Mitch.
"Yes. Particularly in an all-out war against player killers. Kayaba's and Josh's guilds, of which most of us were with Josh minus Asuna, fought against the PKers. Gabe was hacked to an isolated location, same with Midnight's cousin. And to top it off, the same hackers framed Kayaba." I said. "We snuffed them out." I added. "Scarlett broke away from the enemy and sided with us."
Mike spoke. "I found a VR game a year into the incident and it has a logout function and respawn function too. Asuna's father created it. ALfheim Online." He said.
As soon as we mentioned it we were all-in to join. Then we took Inori in as she was alone and Mike took a sudden liking to her.
After conversations, we all went the ways necessary and we all apparently lived closeby. After a grueling time to get to Floors 55 for the KoB and 61 for SoH, Mike joined SoH after the guilds were reinstated. He was an Undine. Most chose Sylph like me, Imp, Spriggan, Cait Sith or Salamander. Things were good for the most part. Marriage requests were sent with the SAO couples and then Inori and Mike hit it off. Kayaba and Dad talked a lot afterwards.

A/N: Thanks for reading! I on my own decided this was good enough. I'm shot for ideas at this point. Thanks for reading these chapters! See ya for the next ones! GGO will come in a few chapters with Sinon! See ya! - Mitch and Alipha

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