Chapter 19: Acclimations and Changes

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Chapter 19: Acclimations and Changes

A/N: Well, another day, another chapter I suppose. I hope you guys enjoy this. - Mitch

A/N (From Kass): "Hmmm, well this is quite the predicament, who to boop next.....?" Kass is deep in thought.

    I woke up the next morning with Maka in my arms, letting her sleep as much as she could since I didn't want to disturb her. Mike, however, was out cold with Yuuki by his side and had he cuddling up. Maka stayed asleep, as well as Yuuki, both girls being exhausted. There was no way either one would be waking up anytime soon since they had a comfortable place to sleep.

    'Might as well try to get a bit more rest. Lord knows I need it.' I thought to myself as I cuddled into her gently and closed my eyes. I always found it easy to relax when I was by her like this. Silence of this nature wasn't deafening like it usually is, but rather it was peaceful.

    Mike was starting to wake up, but knew not to disturb Yuuki's peaceful slumber. The poor girl was exhausted the night prior when he moved her in, so she deserved every second of it.

    Maka actually ended up somehow scooting closer to Mitch in her sleep, even though it likely wasn't even possible. Yuuki smiled in her sleep, whatever dream she was having was a good one.

Kass was laying on the bunk above Ali, he was awake and watching her sleep.

    I sighed softly and smiled even more as my eyes fluttered to a close.

    'She looks so happy and peaceful.' Mike thought. 'I love her already since she has that pep in her step that's just infectious.'

            Kass smiled at her gently and whispered, "This ain't so bad, she's short though, but she might work."

    Alipha somehow stayed asleep, even though that really shouldn't have even been possible. She didn't normally sleep through people staring at her.

    Maka kept sleeping happily, there wasn't much else for her to do. She had been exhausted from the previous days, the sleep was definitely needed. Yuuki started to wake up, yawning. She was still tired but she was awake now.

    'She's so peaceful. She deserves this rest.' I thought to myself.

    "Morning, love." Mike smiled. He was glad to have her in his life.

    "Morning." Yuuki yawned.

    Maka started to wake up, but wasn't awake enough for it to register anything about her surroundings.

    "Morning honey." I smiled softly and kissed her cheek.

    "You sleep well?" Mike asked softly.

Kass slowly reached up poked Ali's cheek gently "Wake up love time to start the day."

Maka didn't respond, too tired to even realize that she was awake. "Yeah I did." Yuuki said.

Alipha started to whine in her sleep and went to smack Kass' hand. He smiled and let her sleep, he got up and made his way to the kitchen making breakfast. For some reason at the sound of Kass walking in her house Alipha woke up. She sat up and got out of bed, making her way toward her kitchen. Kass had already made her a light breakfast and was on his way out the door.

"Tired still?" I asked.

Maka only nodded at him.

"I'm glad. Want me to make breakfast in the dining hall for you?" Mike asked.

"Mhm!" Yuuki responded.

"Waaaiiiitt." Alipha whined as Kass started to leave.

"Okay, I will." He turned around and waited for her.

Virtual Reality: Discord and Demises, an SAO War Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें