Chapter 17: Return of an Old Friend, Arrival of a New One (Part 2)

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Chapter 17: Return of an Old Friend, Arrival of a New One (Part 2)

A/N (From Ali): So yes, the previous chapter had to be split into two chapters, mainly so that we could make sure that the previous chapter wasn't too long, we didn't want to bore you guys. But this chapter should hopefully be written faster than the last chapter.

Also, a quick notice, I will not be having a laptop over the summer, so it is highly likely that most of the chapters through the months of June to August will be prewritten. Don't worry though, everything after the last day of August will be written on the spot. (Should be anyway, no promises.)

A/N (From Kass): Hehe, maybe we'll see what I'm really like in this chapter? That will be all my lovely little readers.

It had been a few hours since they had started walking, Alipha not being anywhere near cooperative to anything that Kass had said or would say. "You know the less you complain about anything the less time this will take." She reminded. Kass smacked her upside her head and kept walking not saying another word. She glared at him, slapping him across the face. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?" She yelled at him.

He wasn't even surprised or even phased and just ignored her. She kept walking, "I hope you don't act like this at the guild. You're gonna find a way to get yourself killed."

Kass smiled slightly, "I should enjoy the challenge of someone trying to kill me, you know first hand how hard it will be."

"I'm well aware, but I don't think you realize just how much of an asshole you can be." Alipha smirked.

"Oh I'm fully aware, but my assholishness is well worth the risk because no one will be able to really hurt me." Kass booped her tiny little nose and kept walking.

Alipha growled hiding a small blush. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!"

"For being a smol bean and making it easy." He laughed gently.

"IT'S NOT MY FAULT THAT I'M SHORT!" She shot back at him.

"No, it's your parents fault for giving you the short end of the gene pool." He said back being as sarcastic as possible.

Sylvia landed on his head and started scratching him on Alipha's command. "That's what you get." Alipha said starting to run.

Kass swatted the bird away not even caring about the slight scratches he had received. "Stupid girl. Stupid bird." He smiled.

Alipha kept running, starting to see the guild castle come into sight. "KASS HURRY YOUR ASS UP!"

Kass kept walking at a leisurely pace that suited him perfectly "You kept running along shorty. I'll catch up."

"Whatever." Alipha said stopping a bit away and waiting for him.

As soon as she stopped he bolted past her and kept her behind him giving her no chance to catch up. Alipha glared at him and called upon Onyx, who grew in size in her familiar form bounding after Kass and catching up rather quickly. Only thanks to her jumping and being about the same size as Mitch's familiar Omega.

Kass sped up making sure to keep his full speed a secret and not letting her catch him a second time. Onyx kept up fairly well, only getting behind by a little bit. "Heh, slow pokes." He yelled at them.

Onyx shifted to her human form and Alipha let herself fall landing on her feet. "Okay, so Kass, I'm gonna need you to walk up behind me, tall bean, and don't say a word until they realize that I'm actually alive." She explained.

Kass slowed down and walked beside her refusing to walk behind her "Nope, equal footing, they attack me, I attack them and it won't be pretty I assure you."

Virtual Reality: Discord and Demises, an SAO War StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora