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Third Person View

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"It just doesn't seem like Lucinda would do something like that....." Zane says in awe.

"Well like I said, it's just a thought, wait I'm so sorry, why are you here again?" Aaron questions, his arms still crossed.

"Right.....um here....." Zane places Lucinda's file back on the table and fishs a different file out of his sweater, handing Aaron it, Aaron talking it in his hands, flipping it open, darting his vision across it, his expression unsatisfied.

"Uh Zane, this is the brief of the next Shadow Knights mission." He raises an eyebrow to Zane, looking for an explanation.

"Aaron, you haven't been out in the field since......" Zane clears his throat, looking towards the ground, so the predicted awkwardness could pass.

Aaron sighs, looking to Zane

"You got a point?"

"My point is, get out of this place, get back to doing what you love, she wouldn't want you just wasting your life away doing something you have no interest in doing......" Zane explains, knowing that Aaron knew what he meant by "she".

He goes silent for a second, closing his eyes, then the most unexpected thing happens.

Two wolf ears grow ontop of his head, them being black except at the tip, where it had a splash of dark red, the same for the tail springing out his back.

When Aaron opens his eyes, Zane's mouth is open in shock, his finger quickly pointing between the ears and tail, making him look like a complete idiot.

"Wha....when....you..." That's all Zane could manage out, a realization exploding in his brain.

"Um yeah, this is also sorta the reason I don't go on missions, yes partly because...Aph....." He takes a deep breath every time after saying her name like it was the most difficult thing in the world for him.

It probably was.

He continues.

"Yes I am a werewolf, but I'm also......" He shakes his head, mentally scolding himself, biting his lip, fighting with himself on something.

"You can tell me you know, I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to." Zane assures, trying to help him with whatever he was trying to say.

"...fine.....I'm the....Ultima."

When Zane hears this, his eyes widen with shock, his breath taken away.

He's joking....

Right? Zane thought.

He doesn't really seem like the joking type at the moment.

"After....Aphmau died.....I lost control of my eyes, they turned red on their own, and I couldn't change them back.......And if anyone saw my eyes......"

"....they could die..." Zane finishes for him.

"Yeah.....I just finally got control of them....and I'm afraid.....I might lose control again, but this time......." Before he can finish, Zane stops him.

"Aaron, this shouldn't stop you from doing what you love...."

He winces, looking towards the ground, studying his feet.

"You know what Aphmau would say, so why not just join us for one mission, hang out with us again, laugh with us.." Zane suggests, walking out of the kitchen, out towards the front door.

Aaron follows him, trying to decide what to do.

Zane then stops right outside the door, looking back as he put his coat on.

"Avenge Aphmau, with us."


"Why does the water taste like that?" Alexis spits out the bottled water spazzly, her face scrunched together like she just ate a warhead.

"It's because that's Crystal's water." Keely states, stifling a chuckle.

Everyone in the truck was smiling at yet another hilarious random conversation in the group.

Even Aaron and Katelyn.

"Crystal, ew, what's in your water?" Alexis doesn't stop spitting, the sides of her lips were brought down so far that she looked like a frog.

"It's not water..." Crystal raises her eyebrows up and down quickly, while everyone was loudly expressing their disgust.

The truck then comes to a complete stop, the whole group standing up and arming themselves, tightning their black jumpsuits and outfits.

Everyone in the truck then sees the looks on Aaron's and Katelyn's faces, both of them full of determination.

Both searching, for painful revenge.

The group splits into threes, Aaron being joined by Katelyn and Zane, all three of them holding their weapons up, ready for whatever comes their way.

They enter an unlocked door, finding a maze of pipes and metal grate pathways.

The three split into the complicated maze, Aaron slowly walking with his gun armed, his finger poised over the trigger.

It was silent, the only sound being the whooshing of the air and water rushing  through the pipes around him

It was....too silent.

Aaron keeps crouching, whenever his foot hits the grate it radiating a pinging sound like it was extremely rusty, and it was a long drop below.

Aaron then finds something that makes him freeze in place, his eyes widening with shock, his hands shaking so much, that his gun fell from his hand and clatters on the floor.

His brain was frozen but his heart was fast, beating too quickly for his body to handle.

He wanted to say a million words but only managed to say one.


Have a nice day my crystals!

The Ultima's Sacrifice ~Aarmau AU~Where stories live. Discover now