Chapter 7

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A/N- Please vote, comment, and share this story!!!!!! It would mean a lot. I encourage you to point out any grammar/punctuation errors. I hope you enjoy it!!!!! Please follow me!!

I was already halfway through the book when I finally heard someone get up. 

Sam passed the library but didn't notice me. 

I found a bookmark on one of the tables and placed it in the book. It was actually a really good book and I didn't want to lose my place. 

I stretched before getting up and venturing to the kitchen. 

Sam already had a cup of coffee sitting in front of him and his nose was stuck in a tablet. 

I opened the fridge and got a glass of milk before sitting at the table across from Sam. 

He finally looked up at me once I sat down. It was like I just broke him out of a trance. It was okay though. That's how I was when I was reading. You had to either say my name extremely loud or physically touch me to get me to pay attention to you. 

"Good morning, Rose." 

"Morning, Sam." 

I wasn't a morning person and even though I hadn't gone to bed, I still hated mornings. 

Sam and I sat there in silence for a good half an hour before I felt close enough to myself to talk. 

"So, what are you guys going to teach me first?" 

He looked up at me confusion clear on his face. 

"What are talking about about?" 

"Oh, Dean didn't tell you? You guys are going to teach me how to hunt. Dean said it was okay." 

"He what?! Dean!"

Sam jumped out of his seat and stormed off, most likely heading to Dean's room. 

I took a sip of my milk and chuckled lightly. 

Something told me something like that was going to happen. 

I heard a door slam open. Any harder and that door would probably have been ripped off. 

It sounded like Dean jumped out of the bed because I heard a loud thud. 

They started arguing back and forth as I continued to chuckle. 

Their brotherly banter was actually really funny and sweet in a way. 

Sam was fighting because he didn't want me to know how to hunt. Dean was fighting for me now. 

Finally after a good ten minutes of Dean not being able to convince Sam he used the same line that I did. 

That it was too unsafe for me not to know if I was going to be hanging out with them.

That shut Sam up. 

He started stuttering because he couldn't come up with something to counteract Dean's words. I couldn't blame him though. It was a really good point. If they didn't teach me and then went on a hunt, I could be attacked. Then I wouldn't know what to do and then I would be dead.

Finally, Sam sighed. 

"Fine," he said. 

I heard him coming back to the kitchen, but he was accompanied by Dean. Sam sat back down where he was and Dean grabbed a cup of coffee, sitting at the end of the table. 

I could tell that Sam was aggravated that he lost. Dean looked pretty happy that he won. 

I could feel the tension in the room. It was so hard for me not to laugh. 

'Well,' I thought, 'Let's see if I can make this worse.' 

"So, when and what are we gonna start with?" 

Sam looked at Dean with a, what I like to call, bitch face. 

"Yeah, Dean. What are we gonna start with?" 

Dean looked at Sam a he looked legitimately scared.

 "Well, Rose, you don't know how to use a gun or knife do you?" 

I shook my head. I had never needed to. I've never touched a gun and the only knives I've used were for cooking. Well, apparently kitchen knives could be used as weapons too. 

"Okay, I thought we could start out with that. It's easier and one of the most necessary things as a hunter." 

Sam and I both nodded. 

"Well, Sam, do you think you could get started on teaching her about guns? I'm gonna go on a supply run." 

I looked at Sam to see how he would react. He still looked mad but he nodded anyway. I was already super excited. I was glad Sam was teaching me. I had nothing against Dean, but I felt like it would be ten times more fun and enjoyable with Sam. Plus, I felt a pull towards Sam that I didn't feel with Dean. 

I was starting to fall for Sam. Maybe it was just because he saved me and he's gorgeous, but at the same time, it felt like more than that. 

Dean got up and headed in the direction of the garage. I heard the Impala roar to life before it pulled out and we were left in silence. 

Sam's expression softened up. He wasn't angry with me for wanting to know. He was angry with Dean because he didn't even discuss it before telling me I could. Sam put the tablet down before standing up. 

"Come on, let's go. You've got a lot to learn."

To Be Continued...

A/N- Thanks for reading!!!! I hope you liked it! And if you did, maybe you could check out some of my other stories? Don't forget to vote and comment!!!!!!! Let me know what you think!!!!

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