Chapter 27

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A/N- Stay tuned! I'm posting the first chapter of my Castiel story after this!

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We walked back to the blanket and began to pack everything. 

Once everything was packed we moved the basket off to the side. I scooted over to Sam and laid my head on his shoulder. In return, he wrapped his arm around me and leaned his head against mine. 

We watched the sunset as much as we could from where we were. Because of the trees surrounding the field, we couldn't see the entire sunset, but it was beautiful nonetheless. 

Once the sun was fully set, the moon glowed brightly in the sky. The stars started to come out and I livened up. I moved out of the embrace and laid down on the blanket so I could look up at the stars. 

Sam followed me and laid down beside me. We both had our hands behind our heads as we looked up. 

I couldn't take my eyes away from the stars. It was so beautiful.

Ever since I was a kid I had always loved night time the most. I felt like it called me. I felt like I belonged. When people would ask me what animal I would be I would always say owl. They were wise. They were nocturnal. They were beautiful creatures. The love I had for the stars was a love that I never felt for anything else until I met Sam that is. Even the air at night seemed better than during the day. Everything seemed better at night. 

Sometimes I would go outside at night and stare at the stars for hours. Sam, of course, would come looking for me and find me outside. That was how he learned about my love. 

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath of the night time air and slowly let it back out. 

When I opened my eyes Sam was leaning over me, partially blocking the sky. He was looking at me with love in his eyes. His hair was falling into his eyes and beautifully farming his face. It was even more breathtaking than the stars that I loved so much. 

He leaned down and kissed me before leaning back up. 

He sat up straight and then pulled me to sit up as well. He completely had my attention, the stars completely forgotten. He grabbed both of my hands and looked me in the eyes. 

"Rose, would you care to dance?" 

I looked at him shocked. He extended his hand out to me to take and I grabbed it. He pulled me up and walked away from the blanket a little. The hands that we were holding were raised into the air. My other hand rested on his shoulder and Sam's other hand slipped around my waist. 

We danced to the music of the night. The crickets were chirping. The tree leaves were rustling in the small breeze. 

We danced around the field, looking into each other's eyes with love the entire time. Sam started to hum a small tune with his smooth deep voice. 

A minute later, the humming stopped and Sam stopped dancing. He lowered our combined hands and grabbed my other one, still looking into my eyes. 

What is he doing? 

"Rose, I've loved these past two years with you. I wouldn't change anything. Not even you being chased by that shifter because we wouldn't have met then. I wouldn't even change the fact that we taught you how to be a hunter. I was so worried on the first few hunts we went on. If I'm being honest, I still get worried. But, you've become such a talented hunter. I wouldn't even change all of the times you got hurt on a hunt because I got to take care of you until you were healed. I love everything about you, Rose. Your hair, your eyes, your smile, your laugh, the way you look at the stars, the way you mumble in your sleep if you're having a dream, and the way you make me feel, especially the way you make me feel. You make me feel so many different things that I can't even describe it. Rose, I love you with all of my heart." 

By now I was in tears at his beautiful speech full of love. 

But the tears finally started to fall as he bent down on one knee and pulled a black velvet box out of his pocket. He opened it to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. 

"So would you make this the best day of my life and marry me?" 

He looked up at me with a soft smile and so much hope on his face. 

I nodded furiously as I tried to control my tears. 

"Of course I will Sam!" 

He jumped up immediately and slipped the ring onto my finger. It was absolutely gorgeous, but that didn't matter. 

Once the ring was on he pulled me into a tight hug. 

Suddenly I was lifted into the air and spun around. I couldn't help the laughter that escaped my lips. 

Once I was safely back on my feet Sam's lips met mine in a hungry passionate kiss. 

Abruptly, he pulled back and I opened my eyes to see worry on his face. 

I opened my mouth to ask what was wrong when he spoke. 

"Are you sure, Rose? If you marry me, you will most likely lose your chance of an apple pie life forever." 

I looked at Sam in serious thought for a moment before looking back at him and laughing. 

"Eh, who needs an apple pie life anyway?"

The End.

A/N- Well, that's it everyone! I really hope that you liked this story and I really hope that you're glad that I continued it. I feel like the first four chapters (where I originally ended it) are super different from the rest of it and I hope that you don't mind. I'm sorry that I made Rose cry so much, but when she did cry I felt that that would be the only appropriate response to what had happened or make a good chapter. I also feel like some of the stuff I wrote was kinda awkwardly written, but I hoped you enjoyed it none the less. If you haven't commented on any other the other chapters, please comment on this one. I'd really like to know what you thought of the story, even if it's just 'Awesome!' or 'Nah, I didn't really like this.' Just, please comment! Thank you so much for reading this. It's been a pleasure to write and I hope it was a pleasure to read! See ya next time!

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