Chapter 14

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I went to my room and grabbed a change of clothes and my favorite towel before heading to the bathroom. 

I started the shower and made sure it was a good temperature before stripping out of my clothes and getting in. 

After washing all of the sauce smell from my body, I washed my hair and thoroughly scrubbed to get all of the leftover cheese out. 

Once I deemed myself food-free, I got out, dried off, and slipped the new clothes on. 

By the time I put my dirty clothes in the hamper in my room and made my way back out to the kitchen, Sam was already done and taking the pizza out of the oven. It looked and smelled so good. My mouth watered just by looking at it. 

Sam went to tell Dean that the pizza was ready while I set the table. 

We all sat down and ate. I didn't think twice before biting into a slice of pizza. My stomach didn't bother me at all. I didn't feel like I was gonna get sick or anything. 

I stared at Sam the entire time we ate. Because the pizza was done, he hadn't gone to clean up so he still had food on him. It was really hard not to laugh. 

After I had eaten half of the mushroom pizza, I was finally full. 

I let the boys finish eating and we all cleaned up the table together. 

Sam went to clean up and Dean went off to a bar. I took it upon myself to do the dishes. 

When I was done, I headed to my room and pretended to sleep until I heard Sam go to bed. I even waited until Dean got home and went to his room as well before grabbing my book and heading to the library like usual. 

It wasn't more than half an hour before I found myself falling asleep. But as soon as my eyes fluttered shut I saw that poor woman laying on the bed with her own blood surrounding her. 

I rubbed my tired eyes with my hands and went back to reading, trying to stay awake. A few minutes later I found my eyes closing again. This time it was Alex who appeared behind my lids. 

I jumped up frightened and tears stung my eyes. The images wouldn't go away and suddenly I was full on sobbing. 

I pulled my legs up to my chest and buried my face in my hands, making sure to keep my eyes open.

 My cries were only getting louder and they wouldn't stop. 

I felt the couch dip beside me and a hand was placed on my shoulder. 



He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his lap and pushed my head so it was laying against his chest. I could hear his heart beating. 

"Rose what's wrong?" 

"I can't stop seeing Alex and that poor woman. I can't sleep. Every time I close my eyes...I see it. I see them. I-I'm so tired, but I can't even r-rest my eyes without everything r-replaying in my head like a broken r-record." 

"Rose, listen to me. That wasn't Alex. It was a shapeshifter and it's gone. Dean took care of it. It's never gonna hurt you again. That woman, we couldn't have helped her. We didn't know about it, so we couldn't have saved her. It's something that we have to deal with. You can't save everybody. But, we killed the demon that killed her. We got her justice. She's probably in heaven now." 

"Y-you think so?" 

"I know so Rose. You have nothing to be worried about." 

We sat in silence for a little. My sobs were slowly lessening. 

With Sam's words, his deep voice, and calming heartbeat, I was calming down. 

The more I calmed down, the sleepier I became. 

I kept fighting to keep my eyes closed. I didn't want to see them again. 

"Rose, close your eyes." 

I looked up at Sam, shocked and worried.

 "S-Sam, I can't. I'll see-" 

"Trust me, Rose. You're not gonna see them." 

His face screamed 'You can trust me!' 

I slowly leaned my head back on his chest and moved my hand to take a handful of his shirt. I took a deep breath and slowly let my eyes close. 





I saw nothing. 

I released the breath I had been holding in and relaxed against his chest. His arms tightened around me slightly and I took a deep breath of his scent. 

I didn't know how to describe it, but everything about him calmed me. His eyes, his smile, his laugh, his scent, they were all so calming. 

The arm that was around my back came up to my hair and started to run through it. It was something that was extremely calming to me and made me fall asleep easily. 

I was quickly falling asleep, so grateful that I wasn't seeing anything. 

I felt him stand up and he carried me to my room and laid me down on the bed gently. He pulled the covers over my body and began to leave, but I shot right up. 

"No! Don't leave. They'll come back. You chase it away. Don't leave..." 

Tears started to sting my eyes once again at the fear of seeing them. He hurried back to the bed and ran a hand through my hair again. 

"Shh. It's okay. I won't leave." 

He crawled into the bed and underneath the covers with me without ever taking his hand away. He pulled me to lay down with him and he pulled me into his arms again. His hand continued to run through my hair and I buried my head into his neck. I took a few deep breaths of his scent in and calmed down once more. My arm was wrapped around him tightly, trying to reassure myself that he wasn't going anywhere. 

I quickly fell asleep. My grip loosened so Sam could tell that I had fallen asleep. 

It was the most peaceful night I had had in an entire month.

To Be Continued...

A/N- Thanks for reading!!!! I hope you liked it! And if you did, maybe you could check out some of my other stories? Don't forget to vote and comment!!!!!!! Let me know what you think!!!!

My Boyfriend's a... What?! (Sam Winchester)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें