Chapter 15

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A/N- Please vote, comment, and share this story!!!!!! It would mean a lot. I encourage you to point out any grammar/punctuation errors. I hope you enjoy it!!!!! Please follow me!!

A Couple Days Later 

"Alright, Rose, we're heading out!" 

I ran to the motel door and gave both Sam and Dean a hug, wishing them luck. 

"Stay safe, you guys." 

Dean nodded, but Sam actually replied. 

"We will, Rose. You do the same." 

I nodded and they walked to the Impala closing the door. 

We were currently on a hunt. We found an entire nest of vampires. 

Sam and Dean didn't want to let me come, but Sam also didn't want to leave me alone. He knew that I wouldn't get any sleep without him there. So, they brought me along, but I was to stay at the motel while they went to eradicate the nest. 

I didn't mind though. From what they said, hunting a whole nest was really hard and I didn't think I was ready. I had only gone on one hunt before. I was not ready to hunt an entire nest of vampires. 

After watching a movie on the cheap motel TV, I got hungry. I grabbed a couple of dollars from my wallet and headed to the vending machine. 

There was only one car in the parking lot, probably belonging to the person at the front desk. We were currently the only people renting a room. 

I put the bills in the machine and debated on getting a pack of doughnuts or a candy bar. When I decided I started the punch the code in. I went to grab the snack from the bottom when I was grabbed by my neck and slammed against the wall beside the machine. 

The grip on my throat was making it so I could hardly breathe. I reached my hands up to try and pry the hand off of me, but it was no use. He was too strong. 

I finally looked up and the person who's hand was around my neck. It was the demon who had escaped from the warehouse on my first hunt. 

"Where are the Winchesters?!" he yelled.

 A little of his spit flew out and landed on my face. 


"That's none of your concern! Where are they?!" 

"I don't know!" 

The grip on my neck tightened and he leaned in closer to my face. 

"Yes you do! Tell me!" 

"I told you! I d-don't k-know!" 

It was true. They didn't tell me where the nest was, just in case I decided to try and help them. 

"Fine! If you won't tell me, I guess I'll just have to take their little pet and they'll come running." 

I felt a sharp pain on the back of my head and then I passed out. 

My head was pounding where I got hit. I could feel the bruises along my neck from where the demon had griped my neck. I couldn't check to see if my head was bleeding because my hands were strapped to the arms of the chair I was sitting in. My ankles were also strapped to the front legs of the chair. 

At least the chair is comfy.

I heard footsteps before the door opened and the demon came in. 

"Well, it's nice to see you awake." 

He circled around the chair before coming to a stop in front of me again. 

"Since the Winchesters are going to take sometime to find you. Why don't we have a little fun in the meantime?" 

I smiled and sat up straight, making myself excited. 

"Oooh! Can we have a dance party?!" 

He smiled and I looked at him with my brows raised. 

"You think you're so funny, don't you bitch?" 

"Yes, actually. I think I'm very funny." 

As soon as the words left my mouth he punched my cheek. I pulled at my restraints in pain, but refused to make noise. 

He went behind me and I heard something being moved around. He walked back in front of me and he was holding a knife in his hand. 

"Why don't we make some lovely art on your skin." 

I tilted my head as if in thought. 

"I think I'd prefer getting a tattoo." 

He growled before stabbing me in the shoulder. Coincidentally, it was the same one that Alex had stabbed. 

I screamed in pain, not able to hold it in, no matter how much I wanted to. He pulled the knife back out slowly and I screamed again. 

The new wound was already bleeding pretty badly. It was soaking my shirt. 

He trailed the blade down my arm before moving to the other arm and cutting a stripe across it. I groaned in pain, hoping Sam and Dean would get here soon. 

He cut the same stripe on my other arm before stabbing my thigh quickly. I screamed over and over again. 

My head was already drooping from the loss of blood. 

"Well, I guess that's enough for today. I don't want you to die before they get here." 

He laughed in a creepy way that screamed evil and then promptly punched me in the face effectively knocking me out again.

To Be Continued...

A/N- Thanks for reading!!!! I hope you liked it! And if you did, maybe you could check out some of my other stories? Don't forget to vote and comment!!!!!!! Let me know what you think!!!!

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