Chapter 4: The Octo Oven

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Jay ran over to the boss kettle, excited to fight a boss. 

"I can't wait!" he said.

"You have to be careful, boss Octarians aren't easy," warned Marie.

"Yeah yeah, I know," said Jay.

Then he jumped into the kettle and landed on a platform.

"Is that a stage?" asked Jay.

"Yeah, the Octarians love their performances," answered Marie.

Jay jumped down onto the stage. Then suddenly, something started to rise with yellow light around it. The audience chanted something as it rose, and eventually, the boss appeared.

"Is that an oven?" asked Jay.

"An Octo Oven," replied Marie.

The boss was a huge oven with Octobread in it. It had a tentacle at the top that grabbed the zapfish and pulled it in.

"Let's do this," said Jay.

The Octo Oven proceeded to punch out the Octobread in different spots. Jay dodged them and kept circling the Octo Oven. Then The Octo Oven shot out all of the Octobread at once. Jay inked the bread and swam up the bread to the top. He kept shooting the tentacle on the top until it exploded. Jay jumped off the Octo Oven as it regenerated its tentacle.

Then the Octobread got armor on the middle of it, which would make it harder to climb up. Then it kept shooting out the bread, more rapidly this time. But Jay avoided all of them. Then it shot out the bread all at once, and Jay inked and swam to the top. He shot the tentacle again, and then he jumped when it exploded.

The tentacle regenerated again, and the Octobread got more armor. Then ink pillars shot up everywhere.

"Oh man!" yelled Jay.

The Octo Oven shot out more bread. Jay barely could dodge all of them with the pillars being in his way. He weaved in and out, trying his hardest not to get hit. Then all of the bread shot out and Jay inked it, climbing up to the top for the third time. He shot the tentacle more, and it exploded in green ink, destroying the Octo Oven.

The zapfish then was sitting there, and Jay broke it's force fields and grabbed it.

"Oh yeah!" he exclaimed.

Splatoon: An Inkpossible AdventureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora