Chapter 17: Homestretch

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Jay needed to get to the end, so he quickly jumped into the next kettle, and didn't even take time to look at his surroundings. So he was surprised when an Octomander shot him with tons of ink.

"Oww!" yelled Jay. "That hurt!"

"You're going to have to be careful of those things," warned Marie.

"Yeah, their ink hurts," replied Jay.

Jay hid in his ink and swam to the Octomander. Then he popped out and splatted it. Jay kept inking and swimming along until he found more Octomanders. Jay dodged their ink and splatted them, then he climbed up a tower. There was a rail in front of him, so he jumped on a started grinding. Jay shot Octomanders and he flew past, jumping over ink pillars too. He jumped from rail to rail, dodged all Octarian ink. Eventually he reached the end of the rail and got off. Then he kept running, Octomanders shooting at him. Jay swam over to the zapfish and broke it's force field. Then he grabbed it.

"Mission completed," he said.

Then Marie warped him back to Octo Canyon.

"Are you ready for Octavio?" asked Marie.

"I think so," Jay replied.

He made his way over to to the boss kettle and jumped in, then the platform descended into the ground. It was time for Jay to face DJ Octavio.

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