Chapter 6: Captured

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The new place Jay was in looked flashy. There were lights everywhere, and there was an audience around him. 

"Why is there an audience?" Jay wondered.

"Because they want to watch you die!" said a voice.

Then something in the middle of the stage rose up. It was DJ Octavio in a big flying machine.

"Hahahaha!" he said.

"I am not ready for this," said Jay worrying.

"No you are not," said a voice. "But that's okay, because I'm here to save you."

Jay looked around him, then he saw Marie and Sheldon with a flying truck.

Marie shot off the ropes around Jay and he jumped onto the truck.

"Thanks," Jay said.

"How did you end up here," asked Marie, as they flew away.

"I fell through a trapdoor, then some Octolings captured me, then they brought me here," Jay replied. "There was also someone who was commanding the Octolings that captured me, but they didn't tell me who they were."

"Interesting," said Marie. "But now that Sheldon's here, you can get some new weapons."

"Awesome!" exclaimed Jay.

The truck flew down to Octo Canyon, and everyone got off.

"Hey, was that person who you heard a boy or girl?" asked Marie.

"Uhhh... I think it was a girl," he Jay replied. "Why?"

"Just wondering," said Marie.

Jay was ready to move on, so he ran over to the next kettle, but before he jumped in, Sheldon came up to him.

"Here's a new weapon!" he said. "It's the Hero Roller!"

"Cool," said Jay, taking the roller.

Then Sheldon went back over with Marie and Jay stood in front of the kettle.

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