Chapter 12: A Big Block

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Jay jumped into the kettle and landed on a platform. In front of him was another stage with another audience. Jay jumped down onto the stage and waited for the boss to rise. Then, like Jay expected, the boss started to rise up. The audience chanted as it rose onto the stage. Once it was fully on the stage, Jay could see what is was.

"A big Octostamp?" he questioned.

"Holy carp! It's the Octostomp!" exclaimed Marie. "How?"

"You know what this thing is?" asked Jay

"Yes, it's a boss that Agent 3 defeated back when the Octarians first stole the Great Zapfish," she explained.

"Oh," said Jay.

"All you have to do is wait for it to faceplant, then climb on onto it," Marie said.

"Okay then, let's do this," said Jay.

The Octostomp ran at Jay at an amazing speed, and faceplanted in front of him. Then Jay inked the side of him and swam up. He shot the tentacle with his ink and splatted it.

"This is going to be easy," Jay said.

Then the Octostomp got back up and suddenly a big, puffy coat fell around him.

"That's new," said Marie

The Octostomp charged at Jay again, but this time he didn't faceplant. Jay didged to the side just in time, and swam to the other side of the stage. The Octostomp turned around and stood there.

"What am I supposed to do?" Jay asked.

"Ummm... Try shooting the strap!" Marie suggested.

Jay shot the strap on the Octostomp's face and it broke, making the coat fall off. Then the Octostomp charged and faceplanted. Jay swam up the side and splatted the tentacle again.

"There we go!" he exclaimed.

Another coat then fell around the Octostomp, but this time, two more face popped out from the sides.

"Whoa!" said Jay

"Dodge backwards!" yelled Marie as the Octostomp ran at Jay.

It jumped and faceplanted, but Jay did a backflip and avoided the three faces. The Octostomp got back up and started to run around the stage. Jay swam to the middle to avoid it, then when it stopped, he ran at it and broke the strap. The coat with the two faces fell off and Jay inked the Octostomp's side. He swam up and splatted the tentacle for the last time. Jay jumped off and the Octostomp exploded in green ink. Once Jay could see the zapfish, he broke the force field and freed the zapfish.

"Oh yeah!" he exclaimed.

Then Marie warped him back to Octo Canyon. 

"Two more to go," she said.

"Wow," Jay said.

Then he moved onto the next area, eager to beat the next boss.

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