Chapter 1: McCree

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I awake to an alarm clock beeping anoyingly in my ear. I turn over and flop my arm on the snooze button, effectively destroying the clock. I sit up quickly and look at my hands shocked. How the fuck? Wait, where am I? More importantly Who am I? I take a moment to calm my nerves. I need to find out what is happening. I look around and see a small suitcase with an envelope on top of it. I walk over and pick it up, and open it to reveal a plane ticket. Tennessee? OK then. It says the plane leaves at noon. I look around for another clock and spotting one I read that it's 7am. Ok I have time to figure this out.

I walk to the one of the two doors in this room and find a bathroom. Heading over to the mirror I see that I have (h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. I go to the other door and find a parking lot with a handful of cars. I peer at the license plates and see that I am in Washington. I look left and see multiple doors with numbers on them, looking right I see the same. I head back inside. So I'm in a hotel/motel of some sort.

I look at the room again and see a queen sized bed with a small side table and a television across from the bed. I walk to the TV and turn it on. A show called 'American Ninja Warrior' plays on the screen, Why do I think I could do better than these imbiciles. I turn off the screen and look at the small side table. There is a wallet, some keys on a keychain, a pocket knife, a small revolver, a card with the number 008 on it, a map and a stick of chapstick. I pick up the wallet and look inside finding 100 dollars cash in twenties, a drivers license, and a note. The note read, 'The license is fake. Don't worry about the gun & knife.' Swell. The map had an airport circled, along with what I suspect is my motel.

I look at the clock 10:30 already? Damn. Better catch that plane. I grab the gun and knife and put those in a pocket of my cargo pants. I put the wallet in another pocket, toss the chapstick in with it and grab the suitcase. I take the ticket, map and the keys and head out the door.
I look at the keys in my hand and take the one with the car keys on it and click the unlock button. I hear a click from a couple cars down. Walking along I see the car I unlocked. It's a well used pickup truck from some car brand. I hop into the drivers seat and look at the map, pretty self explanatory. Two right's then a left and another right, and so on. I put the key in the ignition and turn it hearing the satisfying purr of the engine. I pull out of the parking lot and head to the circled airport.

When I arrive at the circled airport. I grab my stuff and walk toward the entrance before I see a man in a nice suit holding a sign with my name on it. I walk over to him.

"Why are you holding a sign with my name on it?" I ask him.

"You are to follow me Ma'am." He says in a monotone. I look at him skepticaly but follow anyway because why not. I'm here aren't I? He leads me away from the crouds and into a back room where he turns around.

"When you get off the plane in Tennessee you are to go to this bar," He hands me another map. "There you will meet a man who calls himself 'Jesse McCree'. He will escort you around and you will go with him wherever he goes. Am I clear?" He says quite scarily bending down to my level.

"Yessir" I say as I resist the urge to salute him.

"Good." He straightens up. "Your plane will be leaving shortly. You don't have to go through TSA. Just go directly to your plane. Dismissed." I turned around and speedwalked my ass out of there. He was terrifying.

Glancing at the gate number on my ticket I look up trying to find gate 17. After spotting it I jog over and give the nice lady my ticket. I walk through the tunnel thing and into the plane. I sit at the seat number designated on my ticket. I put my bag in overhead storage.

Once everyone is seated the flight attendant does her spiel we begin take off. After a while I start to feel tired so I doze off.

When I wake up I realize I've slept through most of the trip and we are almost to the Tennessee airport. I stretch the kink out of my back, yawning softly. I wait patiently for the plane to land.

After a smothish landing, we had successfully landed in Tennessee. I got up out of my chair and got my suitcase out of the overhead storage. I follow the line of people moving out of the plane and exit through the tunnel thing. Seriously what is this thing called? Anyway after exiting I take out the map that, that one guy gave me. I find the bar that I'm supposed to go to and start walking in the direction it is.

A couple of wrong turns and some confusing directions from a local later I (finally) make it to the bar. I sir on a bar stool and try to remember why im here. Realizing that I have forgotten what I'm supposed to be here for.

"Ah shit!" I say putting my hands on my face and dragging them down my face.

"Somthin' botherin ya darlin'?" A smooth voice asks from beside me. I turn and look at the man who spoke and snort. He was wearing the most peculiar outfit. A cowboy hat, a shawl thing covering his left shoulder, a 'BAMF' belt, and cowboy boots with spurs on them. The strong accent was the icing on the cake to his whole ensemble. A raise an eyebrow at him curiously.

"Nice outfit cowboy." I sass him.

"Hey, you're avoiding the question!" He says defensively.

I sigh heavily. "I can't shake the feeling that there's something I should be doing here," I frown. "But I just can't put my finger on it!" I raise my voice slightly at the end.

"Maybe a drink will clear ya mind?" He says turning to the bartender, "Two beers please." He hands one of them to me.

"Thanks." I take a gulp of the alcohol and relish in the smoth taste. I sigh in content. We fell into a comfortable silence sipping out beers.

"Nice revolver." I say admiring the gun in its holster.

"This 'ere's Peacekeeper!" He says proudly, unholstering it to allow me a better view.

I brush it with my fingers lightly, sighing in admiration. "It's beautiful." I state a little longer I retract my hand, and finish what was left of the beer in my hand.

"Well I better be going. Thanks for the drinks. See ya' later cowboy." I wink and make finger guns at him.

"Bye darlin'!" He waves me off.

I walk out of the bar and look for a place to stay until I figure shit out.

An old sign with big red letters draws my attention. The peeling red letters announce that the building is a motel. I walk in and go to the lady at the desk.

"Do you have any vacancies, for one night?" I ask her.

She nods and asks, "One bed fine dear?"

"That would be great, thank you." I smile at her and pull out my wallet.

"45 dollars, please." She looks up at me and grabs the three twenties from my hand and put them in the register pulling out a ten and a five. She smiles as I grab my change. The lady turns around and grabs a key from on the wall behind her, and gives it to me. I smile and thank her.

I walk to the room with the number on my key and unlock it. Walking in I kick off my shoes, drop my bag and empty my pockets. I kneel down and riffle through the suitcase, finding some cotton shorts and a faded long sleeve shirt advirtizing an old car from the 1980's. I strip out of my dirty clothes and pull on the shorts, I grab the shirt and throw it over my head. The shirt is a couple sizes to big and the shorts are a little shorter then I'd like but whatever. I amble over to the bed and crawl under the covers falling asleep almost immidiatly after I close my eyes.

Thanks for reading! I'd love to hear all of your feedback!

New Recruit (An Overwatch Reader Insert)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz