Chapter 5: Flashback

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Something is wrong with (y/n), she is supposed to have her full memory by now. This isn't right. I wish I could talk to him, but he's so far away. He's... so far away. I wish we could go back to the days of lemonade and dancing in the rain. The days of campfires and stargazing. (Y/n) always knew all the constilations and the stories behind them. She would point at them up in the sky and her eyes would be transfixed as she wove the tale.


Water? I look at my paperwork, a drop of water sits on the stack of paper. Another soon joins it. I bring my hand up to my face. My cheeks are wet.

I'm crying.

Over him.

He is the one whose fault it is that this is happening, and I am the one crying. Shit. I need to see him, but I can't. I laugh at the irony, it's his fault and I'm suffering. If only the world was fair.

At least I know (y/n) is safe. She is safe as long as he stays away from her. I will make sure that she is safe forever. Even if it kills me, I will reunite us.

I put my head in my hands and cry silently. Weeping for him, because I know he won't cry for himself. Weeping for me because she doesn't remember. Weeping for her because she has none of her fond memories of us.

It's been a few days since I fainted and it hasn't happened since, so Angela said I was free to do as I please. As long as I'm careful I can do whatever.

McCree offered to help me learn to be more effective with my gun, and to use other guns. I'm pretty exited to learn to use different tools for different battles.

I put on some comfy clothes I can move in. Just some basketball shorts and a tank top, I have my gun strapped to my hip with the holster I found in my bag. I start walking to the target practice. I see Jacks room out of the corner of my eye and I frown, I haven't spoken a word to him since our encounter in the kitchen. I shake my head to clear it. I put on a smile and skip the rest of they way to the training room.

I greet McCree with a hug and he suggests we start with basic target practice, so he can get an accurate idea of my skill level. I nod and we get in front of the targets. I aim and pull the trigger.

Suddenly I am no longer at the overwatch headquarters.

"Look Papi! I hit the bulls eye every time!" The words are from my mouth, but I'm not saying them. I seem to be viewing this from the eyes of this little girl. I am standing next to this being of light with an indecipherable gender.

"Good job mija! Now we'll get you a bigger gun for you to practice with!" Its voice is like multiple people are speaking at once and it is hard to understand. I turn to the figure of light and run into its arms and hug it, it is warm and smells of cinnamon and other spices.

"~~~~~~~~, (y/n), come inside I made lunch!" A similarly distorted voice rings out from the house behind us. The first name it says is even more jumbled and distorted than the voice, like someone talking in several languages simultaneously. My name was loud and clear though, this is a flashback of my past. My family. Mi Familia.

I did have a family.

Me and the figure of light run into the house, to be greeted by another figure of light. The two figures of light embrace, and share a kiss before I run up and hug them.

"Daddy! Daddy! I got all of my shots on the bulls eye!" I beam up at the second form of light.

"Good job, (y/n)! Your be as good as yourr Papi and I soon. The figure kisses my forehead gently. The scene begins to fade, until I am left floating in nothingness.

My eyes open to a white celing, and a steady beeping. My eyes travel around the room and I discover I am in the med bay, also McCree is sitting in a chair next to my bed staring at the floor. I sit up and groan at the pain in my head. He sits upright and grabs the railing of the bed I lie in.

"Thank goodness you're okay darlin', you gave me quite a scare there for a minute." He says looking me in the eyes. I give him a pained smile, this hasn't happened since the incident with Jack.

"Why'd you just pass out like that? You fired once then dropped." He asks.

"I-I don't know... but I saw something... I think it was a memory! I think I'm starting to remember things. Jesse this is great!" I smile widely and grab his hand in mine, looking into his eyes .

He is about to reply when the doors open and Hanzo walks in. Hanzo takes one look at our situation and turns to walk out. Jesse trips over himself trying to follow him out the door.

"Hanzo, wait!" He shouts, leaving me alone in the room.

I sigh and start to tap a tune on my thigh, a song from times past. I don't know the lyrics but for some reason I feel like I should know them. In my spaced out state, Angela walks in.

"Good, you're up. Care to tell me what happened? Jesse rushed in here like it was the end of the world and I didn't get a coherent sentence out of him!" She rolls her eyes.

"I think I had a flashback," I furrow my eyebrows, "I remembered when my Papi was teaching me how to shoot a gun, and I hit a bulls eye every shot. Then we ate a cake with Dad, and watched a cheesy horror movie. The sad thing is I can't remember what my parents look like. They were both just figures of light, I didn't see their faces and their voices were distorted like a poor recording, but they were there. They were real. They are real." I stare at the end of the bed, fighting back tears when a thought hits me.

"Angela," I ask, voice breaking slightly, "what if I never see them again?" My built up tears hit the bedsheets, Angela embraces me from the side.

"Shh... You'll see them again, (y/n), I promise." She strokes my hair attempting to calm me down.

"Don't make promises Angela, nobody ever keeps their promises."

Thanks for reading another chapter! Sorry this one is shorter than usual.

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