Chapter 3: Angel

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Waking up in a plane is the worst feeling.

My back aches in a way only to be explained as being crushed by a anvil. My neck is cramped, my legs are stiff, and I can't feel my arms. My eyes squint at the anoying light forcing it's way into my retinas.

"Mother of fuck that's bright!" I curse the light for awakening me from my dream of sunshine and rainbows.

"Are you okay there love?" Tracer asks me.

"It's fucking bright in here." I groan rubbing my eyes.

"If you don't mind me asking, is that what you always wear?" She asks me. I look down at my attire again.

"Fuck my life," I sigh heavily. "No... I mean I don't think so, I can't remember anything prior to a few days ago. For all I know this is how I could have dressed on a regular basis." I drag my hands down my face.

"Amnesia huh?" Lucio speaks up.

"Yeah, I think so. Could be any number of things though," I close my eyes pausing slightly. "Not that I would fucking know!" I yell abruptly making the other passengers jump slightly. I look down and whisper, "Sorry..."

"It's ok love! You'll remember sometime!" Tracer smiles sweetly at me.

"Yes. Amnesia is not incurable." Hanzo pipes in.

"Hanzo 'n Lena 're right. You'll be fine." McCree says.

"Yes. We will have Angela take a look at you when we arrive." Soldier says coldy. I frown at his attitude, but keep quiet. The pilot alerts us that we are landing, and I wait to exit the boring metal box with wings.

We finally exit the aeroplane. I take my bag and drag my bare feet toward Jesse and the others talking to some other strangely dressed people. I clear my throat and they all stare at me. My stomach drops, a shiver running down my spine at the thought that these people could destroy me with a blink.

"Um... hello?" I wave shyly
Suddenly aware again of my bare legs, I blush slightly.

Soldier76 breaks the uncomfortanble silence. "This is (y/n). She was instructed to follow McCree, by whom I do not know. That is why, Angela," He turns to a woman with angelic features. "You shall give her a complete check up. Look for anything that could lead to amnesia, and anything that could be used to our disadvantage." He finally turns away and marches off to do whatever it is that he does. Who I assume is Angela walks over to me.

"Follow me please I'll get you all checked up." She smiles and it calms me. It has an angelic warmth.

I pick up my bag and follow her through some odd hallways and corridors until we get to what I'm guessing is the med bay. She opens the door and gestures me to go inside. I walk in and, as I expected, it was covered in medical equipment. Most that I don't know the use of.

"You can sit down on that chair over there hun." She motions to the chair at the side of the room with medical stuff on the table beside it. I drop my stuff by the chair and sit as instructed while I wait for the tests. Angela grabs some equipment from one of the many shelves lining the wall. She has a vial and a needle in her hands.

She walks over to me and takes my arm. She massages just bellow where my arm bends with her gloved finger and pokes the needle into my arm. I wince slightly but am otherwise unfazed. She draws three vials of blood then removes the needle.

I sit spacing out slightly and trying to figure out why Soldier76 dislikes me so much. I never did anything to offend him right? Questons flood my mind as I try recalling all the things I've said to him in the short time of me knowing him.

Coming up empty I snap back to reality (whoop there goes gravity) and notice Angela is doing some tests on my blood. I lean back in the chair and close my eyes, listening to the clack of the keys, the tick of the clock and the other white noise from outside the room.

"Ok hun. I'm going to do a full body scan so if you'd just stand in here for me," she gestures to a tall glass tube on the wall of the room. I do as she instructed. "Good, now you don't have any metal on you do you?" I shake my head no. "Good. Now I'm going to close this and you're going to feel a little tingly but it'll be over soon."

She shuts the door and taps away at the computer and I start feeling tingly like she said, after a moment or to the tingle stops and the machine opens, I step out and I sit back down in the chair to wait as Angela works on the analysis of the scan.

A few minutes later Angela calls for Soldier76.

"Jack, I have (y/n)'s results ready if you'd like to veiw them." A few minutes later he walks in with a posture that demands respect. He grabs the file in Angela hands and flips through it.

"It seems that her amnesia was chemically induced, at a mild enough dosage to not be completely incurable. She doesn't seem to be a danger to Overwatch, she is just a girl with amnesia." Angela says.

Jack frowns at the paper before handing it back to Angela. "Was there anything else discovered by the physical?" He asks.

Angela shakes her head. "She's in perfect physical condition, I did spot an odd tattoo on her shoulders when I was scanning her, however I haven't got a good veiw of it." She turns to me, "May I see your back (y/n)?" I nod and reach for the hem of my shirt.

"I'll wait outside." Jack mumbles, and exits the room.

I take hold of the shirt hem and bring it up over my head, the cold air hits my flesh and I pull my arms free. Angela makes a sound of surprise, and I feel her soft hand trace lines onto my back. I shiver out of reflex and she retracts her hand.

"S-Sorry, I've just never seen something like this before." Her voice is awed.

"Can you explain it to me? I can't see it, and by your tone of voice it's pretty excuisite." I stare at my hands in my lap.

"Well," She starts, "It's... wings. Three pairs, to be exact. One pair is white and runs from your shoulder blades around your neck to your collarbones." Her fingers trace the path she explains.

"The second pair is black and starts under the first pair and travels down your arms." I furrow my eyebrows and look at my arms. As she says, there are two inky black feathery wings running down each of my arms and ending near my wrists. How I didn't notice them earlier is a mystery to me.

"The third start under those and down you back'" She runs her hands down my back and I inhale sharply, "this pair is not feathery like the otheres, its more leathery, lile a bat or a dragon." She pulls her hands back and asks if I would be okay if Jack saw my tattoos. I nod and she calls for him to come back in.

I hear the doors open and Jack's heavy footsteps enter the room. There is a quick intake of breath before he just straight up leaves. Well there's no reason to be a prick, jeez.

Angela frowns and hands me my shirt, "I'll show you to your quarters. I'm sure you'd like to put some real clothes on." I nod violently and she chuckles at my outburst.

I grab my bag and follow her down hallways, untill we make it to a hallway with muliple doors on either side. Each door has a plaque with a name on it. We make it to a room with a blank plaque and she opens the door for me, I walk in and it's quite simple. I look around, taking in my surroundings. There's a queen size bed and a side table with a lamp on it. There's a large closet, a balcony seperate by two glass doors, and a door to a bathroom. I drop my bag by the closet and flop onto the bed like a fish.

Angela clears her throat, "Lunch will be served at 1200 hours, in the mean time you can unpack and change." She smiles at me and I smile back at her.

"Welcome to Overwatch."

Hello! Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed, make sure to tell me what you thought of the chapter. I love constructive criticism.


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