Chapter 6: Movie Night

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The blank piece of paper in front of me is taunting. Urging me to draw something, anything. Unfortunately, 'anything' is to vague and I just sit and stare. Subconsciously my hand starts moving and I just let it do its thing. I look at the lines on my paper and a figure is beginning to be illustrated.

When I complete the drawing I look at the figure I've just drawn. It's a man, probably in his mid-thirties, he has soft eyes and a beard that forms a circle around his mouth. His jawline is sharp and his eyebrows are thick. He has scars littering his face, some years old, others more fresh. A beanie is covering his hair, and only a slight bit is showing at the nape of his neck
He looks so oddly familiar, but I can't place it. I continue to stare at the sketch if this man trying to know who he is.

"Papi, look at my drawing! It's me, you, and daddy!" I hold the piece of paper out the the figure of light, I don't know if my eyes are going bad but I seems like it has more of a shape then last time. The figure looks down from chopping something on the counter above to view my picture.

"Very pretty mija! Go show it to daddy ok? I'm sure he'll love it!"

My head jerks up from the table where it was previously resting. My sketch is stuck to my sweaty cheek and gravity pulls it off so it flutters to the floor. I pick it up and pin it on the corkboard above my desk, I want to know who he is.

I sigh and stand up from my fancy swivel chair, stretching out my stiff muscles. Scratching my back I walk to my closet and pull out some clothes. A simple pastel blue sweatshirt with a large skull with flowers growing in and around it, and some pink jeans. I lace up my combat boots, put on my skull belt, and pull my hair up in a ponytail.

I look at myself in the mirror, glaring at my abnormally large thighs. It's not like I'm fat or anything, but no matter what I do these muscled thighs won't go away. It ticks me off sometimes, but most of the time I love them. One downside is I wear through pants because of friction and stuff. So I have a lot of pants.

My stomach growls, pulling me out of my thigh trance, and toward the mess hall. I spot Mei walking the same way I am and decide to talk to her.

"Hello Mei!" I jog up beside her, and she smiles kindly at me.

"Good day, (y/n)!" She greets.

"So, have any fun plans tonight? I was thinking of gathering everyone up for a movie night!" I beam at her. She smiles and nods.

"It's sounds like fun! Give me a call and I'll help you out!" We continue chatting as we make out way the the food.

Lunch today is tuna salad sandwiches! Heck yeah I love me some tuna! We sit down and serve or selves before the others start filing in. When everyone is seated I tell them about the movie night. Most everyone agrees, Ana and Reinhardt have plans and Genji has some 'zen stuff', and Winston has paperwork to do. Jack hasn't shown up yet so I'll tell him later. Right now... Tuna.

It's late, and I'm getting ready for the movie night. Mei is popping the popcorn and I am trying to find a movie to watch. Key word; trying.

"Why are there literally no movies?! Like anywhere! The heck man?" I toss my hands up in surrender. I grab a pillow next to me and throw it at the wall. "DIE!" I sigh as the feathers that escaped pillow confinement float down to the ground.

"Are you okay korotyshka?" An russian accent asks. I turn to face Zarya in the doorway, I puff out my lower lip in a pout and shake my head.

"No. I can't find a single movie in this entire freaking building. It's a nightmare." I rub my temples.

"You don't need a disk to watch movies! We can use Netflix!" She smiles and I face palm for not thinking of it sooner.

"I'm such an idiot." I shoot him a smile, "Thanks Zarya!"

"No problem (y/-"

"Hey (y/n), where would like me to put the popcorn?" Mei inturupts Zarya's sentence. Mei turns to her and flushes red.

"H-Hey Z-Zarya!" She scratches the back of her neck nervously.

"H-Hello Mei." Zarya says, trying to retain composure.

I put my hand over my mouth and whisper, "I ship it."

I walk to the couch and flop onto it. I grab the remote and begin browsing for a movie to watch. One catches my eye and I smile wickedly. I select it and take the bowl of popcorn from Mei who is stuttering trying to hold a conversation. I shove some popcorn into my mouth and set the bowl down on the coffee table.

Slowly the others start trickling in, and after a few minutes everyone is seated and comfy. I stand up in front of the screen and clear my throat gaining everyone's attention.

"Hey guys! Welcome to movie night! We have popcorn and soda, please help yourself." I smile and take my seat.

McCree is to my left and Hanzo to his, Angela to my right and Fareeha to her's. Mei and Zarya are seated right next to eachother, any closer and they would be one being, Mei is as red as a tomato, and Zarya is only slightly pink. Zarya has a hand on the backrest behind Mei. They are so cute. Jamison and Mako are seated on the floor beside eachother, previously discussing explosives. The others are scattered around, sitting in anticipation.

I reach across McCree and Hanzo to grab the remote. I push the play button and the movie starts. A mail vehicle drives along a road to an old rundown house. A woman is cutting paper into sunflower petals. I hear a gasp of recognition beside me. Jamison turns to me and gives a knowing look. I hold my forefinger in front of my mouth in a 'shh' motion. He shakes his head and looks back at the screen.

"Hi I'm Chucky, wanna play?" The woman gives the doll a sceptical look before returning it to the box it was shipped in.

"Are we watching the Cult of Chucky?" McCree asks.

"Curse, the Cult is the second one." I reply, still staring at the screen. He shrugs asks turns back to the film.

The film is coming to a close and the protagonist has been put in a mental institution. The mail scene is just about to end and my favorite line is aproaching.

"Any live animals?" The mail lady asks, filling out the mailing slip.

The blond woman smiles, "Just put... other."

The screen goes black, I look around. Mercy is hugging Fareeha like it's the end of the world, Mei is in Zarya's lap, Hanzo seems unfazed (but his eyes are a little spooked), McCree looks upset that Hanzo looks so calm, and I am grinning.

I stand up from my seat on the couch and stretch my stiff limbs, "Welp, I'm headed to bed! Night guys!" I give a wave as I grab the empty bowl of popcorn. I drop it off in the kitchen, and go to my room.

I spot the sketch, and my heart throbs and I grip my chest. What is happening to me. I sigh and change out of my clothes and into some sleepwear. I crawl into bed and stare at his face. I whisper into the darkness.

"Who are you?"

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