Chapter 10: Late Night Drink

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"So they fought together closer than brothers, then their friendship collapsed when Jack became the Commander? What kind of bullshit exuse is that to threaten someone." I groan and roll my eyes.

"That's what I know at least! I don't know what their private life was like ouside of Overwatch." Jesse explains, before yawning heavily.

"I'm sorry for keeping you up so late, I know there are things you'd rather be doing if you know what I mean." I half ass wink at him before leaving his room. I sigh and look at the clock on the wall, 3:38. Damn it's late, but I'm not tired. I shuffle towards the kitchen, on a mission for food.

My bare feet touch the hardwood flooring of the kitchen and I shiver. I run my tongue across my teeth, and scratch my back. I walk to the fridge and open it up, the little light coming on illuminating a small area around the fridge. The cool air hits my face and I peer into the fridge, looking for nothing in particular. I don't find anything that looks good so I close the fridge. I walk to another cubbard with non perishables and look for some snacks. Nothing.

I sigh and look into the other cubbard's in the room, still nothing. I come across the last cubbard to look into and stare at the closed doors.

"This better have something in it or I swear to every god or deity I will set this place on fire." I reach out slowly and grasp the handle of the cubbard. My fingers grasp the metal appliance and I yank the door open quickly.

As if a sign from the heavens the shelves are filled with alcohol. My mouth subcontiously begins to water. I haven't found this cubbard yet, I'm not sure this is even real. I grasp for the first bottle on the rack and pull i out. I turn it in my hand to see the label. Bourbon. Beautiful, beautiful bourbon.

I walk toward the shelves of glasses and grab a stout glass before pulling out the cork with my teeth and pouring myself a glass. I swirl the amber liquid around the glass and sigh. I put the bottle back where it was and take my glass into the dining room, I sit at the table and lean my head back on the chair. I bring the glass up to my lips and take a sip of the nutty liquor. I close my eyes and listen to my hearbeat, the dull thumping reminding me that I'm alive. I take another swig of the bourbon and sign in content.

The alcohol takes my mind off the stress of everything going on and relaxes me. My mind wanders and a memory overtakes me.

"Okay class, today we are doing an obstacle course to test your skills and agility." The gym teacher says to the class of about thirty high schoolers.

I stretch out my arms and bend down to stretch my hamstrings. I twist and maneuver my body to lumber up for the course. The 'obstacles' are just some random gym equipment thrown together as a poor excuse of obstacles. The course begins with a trip across the monkey bars, into a rope climb which you jump from rope to rope and land on a mat. After the ropes you run a 50 meter sprint, high knees through some hula hoops into a army crawl under some ropes hung from traffic cones. After that you climb a wall and run through a finish line.

Easy peasy.

"Billy, (Y/n). You will go first." I nod determined. I shoot a glare at Billy and stand ready for the signal.


I put my hands on the ground and one foot behind the other, and look up at the monkey bars.


I take a deep breath in through my nose and exhale through my mouth.


I race toward the bars and use my above average wingspan to take the bars three at a time. I swing any legs back and forward to increase my momentum and jump at the ropes. I take one in my hand and wait until I swing forward again to jump at another. I keep jumping on the ropes until I reach the last one and I flip off onto the mat. I recover from the landing and sprint the 50 meters, before reaching the hula hoops. I jump from one to another and make sure my knees are high enough. I drop to the ground and crawl under the ropes, I launch myself at the wall and scale it quickly before jumping off the other side. I race through the finish line and skid to a stop.

I smile and grab my water bottle before taking a swig of it. I look at the course and see Billy struggling with the army crawl . I snort at his struggle and walk over to the teacher.

"How'd I do coach?" I say a little breathlessly.

"A minute and fifteen seconds." I just pump in victory.

"That's twenty whole seconds faster than last month! Papa is gonna be so proud!" I hear laughter behind me and I turn to face the source.

Becky and Martha. The high school popular girls.

"I'm sorry. Is there a problem here?" I cross my arms and glare at their prissy faces.

"Oh, it's nothing. We were just talking about our mothers taking us shoe shopping  yesterday. Not like you know anything about that right, Gay-by Baby?"

There it was. The nickname. Ever since parent teacher conferences and they found out about my two dads, they've been calling me that. It drives me bananas.

"My name is (y/n) bitch. If you don't stop calling me that good forsaken nickname I will put three bullets in each of your heads." That shut them up.

"(y/n)! That is unsportsmanlike conduct, after school detention." Oh for the love of god.

"(y/n), wake up!"

My head jerks upward and I my head against the wall behind me.

"Ow..." I groan.

"Why are you asleep in the dining room with a glass of bourbon?" Angela asks. I smile shyly.

"Couldn't sleep."

"Are you even old enough to drink?" She asks me.

I just shrug my shoulders, "don't know."

She shakes her head disapprovingly, before walking out of the kitchen with hunched shoulders.

Hey, what's up y'all. Have another chapter, sorry for not updating more frequently.

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