Chapter 12: What?

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"(Y/n)! (Y/n), please wake up!"

Who is that?

"I told you this wasnt going to work! We've been trying for week's! What makes you think she'll wake up now?"

What are they talking about? Are they talking about me?

"Oh come off it you two! Your constant bickering is distracting me!"

"Whatever, it's not like this will work anyway. I don't know why were even trying."

My eyes crack open before closing again due to the throbbing pain in my head.

"Ughh..." I lift a hand and caress my aching forehead.

My eyes take a moment to adjust to the bright light above me. When they do, the first thing I notice is three figures standing over me in odd clothes. I sit in silence, watching the trio bicker as I take in their apearances.

The first is a female, about 5 foot 6, with tan skin and long dark hair that sways with her. Her eyes are a striking purple, amethyst almost.

The second is a male, no taller than 5 foot 4, with pale skin and curly white hair that bounces with his movement. His eyes are bright blue, like the sky in summertime.

The third person is a tall red head- by tall I mean like 5 foot 9 -male with an unruly mop of red hair atop his head. His eyes are red as rubies and full of mischief.

After archiving their appearances, the next thing I realize is I seem to be floating in space.

"What!?" I sit up violently and look around at the odd constellations around me. The blues and purples of space twist and warp around the four of us while stars sparkle and fly around.

"Oh my gosh! It worked!" I turn to the owner of the voice and spot the boy with white hair and light blue eyes that sparkle in the starlight. His accent is thick and British. He is dressed in what looks like a white sheet tied with a blue rope around his waist. Like some king of ancient dress robe from Rome or Greece.

"Umm... Hello?" I ask the brit.

He beams, "Hi (Y/n)! You don't remember me but I'm Charles! I'm the Angel you host!" He is immediately smacked upside the head by the girl with black hair.

"Charles! You can't just throw that on her like that! You need to ease into a conversation like this!" She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. She has a prominent Hispanic accent and is dressed in similar clothes as -I assume his name is- Charles. However, instead of a white sheet, it is black and the cord is dark purple. She seems to be the leader of sorts.

"Sadie! Don't hurt Charles! That's my job!" Says the boy with bright curly red hair, before ruffling Charles' hair. His Brooklyn accent didn't match with his appearance. He is dressed in red robes similar to the other two with a black cord.

"Whatever Kyle."

I look up at them confused, "Umm... What are you talking about?"

They all look down at me and the girl- Sadie -speaks up, "We are talking about you dear!"

"Huh?" I ask, making a face.

"Okay let me explain fully," she sits down where there is supposedly a floor and continues, "You are a host."

I tilt my head in confusion. She sighs and rubs her head

"Right. You are a host. A single mortal that is chosen out of billions to host a supernatural being and protect the world until death, then another is chosen and the cycle continues. Anyway, you're a special case. Not only were you chosen by the Angels, but the Dragon-kin and the Fallen also chose you to be their host. We are the beings you host. I'm a Fallen, Charles is an Angel, and Kyle is a Dragon-kin." She points to the two boys behind her, I interrupt her.

"Ok, what are all of those things you just said? Because I'm totally lost in this conversation."

She rolls her eyes and continues, "Angels are pretty self explanatory, they're spiritual being believed to act as attendants, agents, or messengers of God. Fallen are essentially angels that have lost their holy rights, but didn't fall for Lucifer's trickery and become demons. Dragon-kin are ancient beings from the age of dragons, they are the result of a curse from a vengeful witch. They were cursed to take on the characteristics of the animals they loved and cared for, and were thus exiled from their kingdoms."

"Each of our leaders chose you before you were born, then sent us to claim you as our host when you were a young child. That was when we discovered we would need to share you."

Charles jumps into the conversation, "You were a really cute toddler! Really nice too! Your mom was kind of scary though." I furrow my eyebrows.

"I had two fathers though." I mutter and Charles nods, Kyle interupts him before he can continue.

"Your biological mother. Before you were put up for adoption you had a crackhead mother, and a father who vanished along with a couple million dollars when you were born." I look at him appalled.

"Kyle!" Charles yelps, "Have some sympathy! Remember we're the reason she was put up for adoption!" My shock moves in his direction.

"What?" I ask. This time Sadie steps in. I'm tired of all this jumping from person to person.

"Well, your mom didn't like how you suddenly had tattoos all over your back, started talking to the air, and sometimes grew freaking wings when you were angry." She said matter-of-factly.

I grab my head in my hands and look at the ground, "Let me get this straight, I was a toddler living with my crackhead biological mother and you all needed to make me your host so -what - you just hop into my body and suddenly I'm a toddler with tats, and my mother disowns me. Then what?" I ask, curious of my past.

Kyle pipes in, "Well, you lived in the street for like almost a week, then you passed out on a porch and the two guys living in the house picked you up and started caring for you. After a few years of looking for you biological parents they have up and adopted you legally."

"Damn." We sit in silence for a minute. I flip into my back and state at the space around us.

"I wish I could remember their faces." I whisper sadly.

The three beings look at each other, and back at me. Charles bites his lip and wrings his hands together nervously, while Kyle scratches the back of his neck and avoids the contact. Sadie sighs and scoots closer to me before slinging an arm over my shoulder.

"A-Are you sure you want to see them?" She asks me. I nod and look at her.

"More than anything."

Explanations boi.

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