Chapter 9: Quarrel

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We walk up to the door, my pulse is faster then anything I've ever felt. I inhale deeply to calm my pulse, I gather myself and bring up my fist to knock. I straighten my back and knock three times, the hollow sound echoing through the halls of the base.

It is silent for a few seconds, but the seconds feel like hours. I swallow the nervousness building in my throat, and my foot taps impatiently. The door suddenly bursts open and we are greeted by different guns pointed at our faces. I put my hands up in surrender, and the others do the same.

"We didn't come for a battle, we want to talk." I say, voice raspy. Their guns lower slowly, hesitant of our true intent.

"Gabriel, it has been a while. Hasn't it." Ana smiles softly at me.

I sigh in relief, "Too long."

My pencil moves around the page, outlining the face I've grown so occustomed to. His strong jaw, soft eyes, and the small imperfections in his skin are all so prominent in my memory. Even if I have no recollection of why I know him so well. I look down at the drawing and sigh, I lean up to pin it up on my corkboard. I walk to my closet and grab some clothes, a white blouse with watercolor-esk blotches, some purple jeans, my skull buckle belt and combat boots. I brush out my hair and pull it up into a messy bun.

I stretch and yawn before walking to the kitchen. I hear talking in the living room and walk towards it. There are voices I don't recognize, I can tell there are about four strangers. I walk to the doorway and peek in. The for strangers have their backs to me so I can't see their faces. I can tell there are to males and two females. I walk into the room fully and my combat boots click loudly, alerting the group of my presence. The group turns to face me and I recognise one of their faces right off the bat. My face pales instantly.

My breathing increases rapidly, to the point of hyperventilation and a pain shoots through my skull. My hands fly to my head and I fall to my knees.

"(Y/n)?!" A chorus of voices ring out.

I wave them off with my hand, "I-I'm fine, j-just a migraine." Angela runs out of the room, I suspect for medicine.

I feel a warm hand on my back and look up to see Jack looking at me worriedly. I smile at him reassuringly, hoping to suppress his worry. He helps me stand up and I lean on him for support.

"Hello there! I'm sorry for collapsing like that." I smile sheepishly at them, "I'm (y/n), what are your names?"

The dark living room is silent as I sit on the couch staring at the floor. My ears twitch as a head a creak from behind me. Footsteps thunk around the couch and I see his familiar figure move to sit next to me, the couch sinking where his is seated. We sit in silence.

"What are you really doing here Gabe?" I ask, voice low.

"I..." He sighs heavily, "I came because of her. Just seeing her face brought back memories. Of before... of you... of her... of everything."

I turn my head to look at him. He looks... hurt. I must pull through for her.

"You made your decision all those years ago, Gabe." I say, tone slightly harsher than nessisary. He visably flinches.

"Jack... I thought I was doing what was best for her. I wanted to protect her-"

"By sending her away?!" I cut him off.

"I did what was I thought was nessisary, but I see now I was wrong," He inhales shakily, "All I did was drive us apart." His voice cracks with emotion.

"Gabriel." I say sternly. He looks up at me with glossy ruby eyes. "I agreed to it as well, remember. We both decided it would be best to send her away."

"You don't understand!" He stands abruptly, "I upped the dosage, Jack!" He yells.

I look at him silently, "W-What?" I say, barely above a whisper.

"I upped the dosage so she would forget me forever." He looks at the ground.

I stand up, facing him. "You're the reason she doesn't remember?" My voice is forced, as I grumble through gritted teeth.

He nods slightly and my hands find their way to the collar of his shirt.

"How. Dare. You." I glare into his blood red eyes, and growl lowly in my throat. "If you weren't already dead, I would wring your neck."

"Gabriel? Jack? What's going on?" A familiar voice calls out from the doorway.

I drop Gabe and turn to her, "(Y/n)!" I take a step toward her. She steps back.

"Why were you threatening Gabriel?" She asks in a tired tone.

"Well he-"

"Nevermimd, I don't want to know." She rubs he temples and waves a dismissive hand in our direction, "Solve your fucking problems. Don't drag the rest of the team down with you." She walks back out the door she came.

I yawn as I trudge through the empty halls, trying to ignore the tension I accidentally walked into. I rub my cheeks and groan. I'm not going to be able to go to sleep like this. I need to talk to someone.

I walk past my door and to Jesse's door. I knock three times and wait patiently, looking at my bare feet on the cold floor. The door opens with a release of pressure and I start talking without even looking up.

"Hey Jesse,  I know it's like 2 in the morning but I really need someone to talk to." I look up and instead of Jesse's big brown eyes I meet a different pair.

"H-Hanzo?" His eyes widen as he looks down at me. He is extreamly dishelved, messy hair, to-big shirt that doesnt look like it belogs to him and tired eyes. I chuckle softly in realization. "Your secret is safe with me, Hanzo. Can you get Jesse please? I need someone to talk to." Hanzo nods and turns back into Jesse's room.

He returns later with an equally disheveled Jesse.

"Hey Jesse. I have alot on my mind, can we chat?" He looks down at me and nods, moving to let me in his room.

"Let's talk in here darlin'." I smile at him and walk in. I flop onto a chair, avoiding the bed.

"Jesse. Do Jack and Gabriel have a history?" His face contorts oddly and he hmm in thought.

"Yeah, you could say that..."

Hey, hey, hey. Look she wrote another chapter. If only people read this piece of shit. Anyway, leave a like or whatever. I can't make you do anything.

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