Chapter 2: Pj's

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I was awoken by a robot falling through the wall of my motel room. I instantly grab for the gun on the bed next to me and put a round in its head. Now wide awake I run to the hole in the wall and look out at what once was a nice town in Tennessee, but is now a full blown war zone.

There are robots everywhere and strange looking people everywhere. I see some Captain America looking mofo beating up some robots. A guy on some tron-esk rollerblades shooting green EMP things at people. A chick in a yellow jumpsuit with an amazing ass racing around at an inhumane speed. A guy who looks like he tried to get dressed this morning but forgot how halfway through shooting a bow and arrow, and that cowboy dude from the bar. I see a robot run full speed at Cowboy, but he doesn't see it coming at him so I run over the rubble of the motel and put a round in its robot ass.

"Take that you robo-bitch!" I yell feeling victorious as it falls to the ground an oil like substance dripping from where I shot it. "Need something help Cowboy?" I wink at his shocked expression. I spot another robot behind him so I push him over and fire twice into its hull. A satisfying thud greets my ears. I put my hand out for Cowboy to grab and pull him up, un-aliving two more robots.

He whistles approvingly "Yer pretty good wit' 'at gun o' yours." He commends me, nodding as he shoots another robot.

"Thanks! I have no idea what is happening right now!" I say cheerily.

"War." Is his solem response.

"Well I had gathered that much! I was more talking about the fact that I have no recollection of any part of my life before waking up yesterday. I don't know how I have the ability to use this weapon, of why I'm here in the first place! All I know is I was told to go to Tennessee for some fucking reason which I can remember, but it must have been important 'cause I kinda had that feeling and now I'm rambling about all of problems to some guy I don't even know while we shoot robots somehow even though for all I know I've never even held a gun before and my brain can't handle all of this new information and..."

He interupts my rambling. "Woah, calm down there sweet cheeks. The battle's over." He lowers my gun for me and I calm down.

"I'm sorry I have no idea where that came from, it's just been a long day and a half." I sigh and rub my temples.

"So lemme' get Somthin straigh', you don't remember any of your past?" He asks.

"Yeah! I mean how fucked up is that. I have no idea what's happening or why. All I know is that I am amazing at shooting this gun." I smile in mild amazement at my weapon.

"Ya ar' pretty good wit' 'at thing." He winks at me. I laugh slightly at him.

"Squad! We have successfully eliminated all hostiless from this area. Time to get back to headquarters." The Captain America looking guy shouts to the other oddly dressed individuals. The one who can't properly dress himself walks over to me and Cowboy.

"Jesse, who is this?" He asks cautiously reaching for an arrow. I put my hands up in a surrendering manner, not wanting to anger him.

"There's no reason fer violence Hanzo! This is... uh..." He turns to me. "I never actually learned your name." He says smiling shyly, scratching the back of his neck. "I'm Jesse McCree, an' this here is Hanzo Shimada." He gestures to the half dressed man. Jesse McCree? Why does that sound familiar? I shake the thought away.

"It's fine I'm (y/n)." I extend a hand to Jesse and Hanzo.

"Ya got a last name darlin'?" Jesse asks as he grabs my outstretched hand and shakes it.

"I probbly do, I just can't remember it." I say as I turn to Hanzo, he just nods his head slightly, I do the same.

I turn around looking at my destroyed motel room.

"Welp. I gotta find a new place to stay I guess." I sigh and turn to the two men. "Where are you guys headed to?" I ask them.

"Jesse and I are are going to go back to headquarters." Hanzo states.

Jesse McCree... Jesse... McCree... Je... sse... Mc... Cree.... I rake my mind of the past thirty or so hours. Washington... Airport... Tennessee... Airport... scary man... sleepy plane ride... Then it hits me. I snap my fingers and gain the attention of the two males.

"I was told to look for a Jesse McCree at that bar!" I smile at the achievement. "I was supposed to follow you everywhere... I think..." I furrow my brows slightly. "Either that or do you hair. But the first one makes more sense I guess. It would be weird to just randomly start doing someone's hair at a bar I mean really, who does that. But I guess following you would be weird too. I guess it would make more sense..."

"(Y/n)." Jesse stops my train of thought. "You're rambling again."

I blush. "Sorry." I mumble looking at my (very bare) legs. I remember I'm still in a baggy shirt and short shorts. I laugh at the fact that I've just faught a bunch of robots in my pj's.

"If your supposed to follow me everywhere, then you should come to headquarters with us!" Jesse says happily. Hanzo and I look at him flabbergasted.

"What?" We ask simultaneously.

"Yeah! I trust you? Besides, we could take you down if need be." Jesse smiles.

"I could be a phsyco assassin trying to destroy you all for all we know! Yet you want to bring me into your headquarters?" I ask incredulously.

"Yeah!" He cheers.

Hanzo frowns, then sighs. "I'll ask Soldier76." He walks away toward who I suspect is this 'Soldier76' character.

I walk over to get stuff from the destroyed room. I lazily toss everything in the suitcase, and just haul it out of there. The structure was not very sound, and I did not want to be crushed under a building. I walk over to Jesse who is smiling like a giddy school boy on his birthday. Hanzo walks back over with this 'Soldier76' guy in tow.

"Jack this is (y/n), she is an amazing fighter and she has nowhere to stay so can she stay with us?" Jesse ask him. Soldier just stares at me, or at least I think he was looking at me. He has this red visor mask thing he was wearing blocking out his eyes. He shakes his head slightly and looks at Jesse.

"She can stay as long as she doesn't cause trouble. She's your responsibility McCree." He says, turning around and going toward this big ship thingy with McCree and Shimada. I follow behind them with my suitcase hitting my knee every so often.

When we got to the ship I saw the two I haven't met yet looking at me curiously as we entered the ship.

"Yo, who dis'?" The tron skater dude asks.

"This 'ere is (y/n). She will be joining us at headquarters now!" Jesse states proudly. "(Y/n), this is Lucio, and Tracer!" I smile at the new faces, acutely aware that I was still in my pj's.

We all buckled into our harnesses (because safety first) and the plane began liftoff. I peer out the window and analyze what just happened to me. I woke up in Washington with no memmory, had a wierd airport meeting, took a plane to Tennessee, met someone nice at a bar, faught some robots with him, and now I'm on a plane with some strangers going off to god-knows where... so all in all a pretty average weekend. I close my eyes taking it all in and shigh at myself for being that stupid. I start to doze off and in a minute I'm asleep.

Thanks for reading! Remember to comment you constructive criticism! I love the help!

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