Chapter 4: I Want to Remember

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After rummaging around my duffel bag I find some suitable clothes to wear. Thankfully, my style doesn't consist of short shorts and oversized shirts.

I find a pale blue blouse with skulls and sunflowers on it, and a pair of yellow skinny jeans. I tuck the blouse into the pants so it puffs out a bit my the waistband of my pants. I also find a blue belt with a skull buckle and pull that though the loops to keep up my jeans. I put on some combat boots I found in my bag and look at myself in the mirror I discovered in the closet. I look pretty snazzy.

I nod to myself and head to lunch, boots clacking slightly as I walk. A wolf whistle rings out behind me and I turn around to face the source of the sound only to discover McCree standing there.

"Lookin' great darlin'." His says in his thick accent, before winking.

I wink back and reply, "Not looking too bad yourself cowboy." He has on blue jeans with his signature 'BAMF' belt, a sleeveless shirt that just reads 'save a horse, ride a cowboy', and his boots. The shirt shows his prosthetic arm and his wicked biceps.

We continue walking toward the mess hall together making small talk.

"So... McCree, is Hanzo your boyfriend?" He chokes on his saliva, I smirk. He just answered my question. I look over to him watching him sputter out nonsensical phrases, trying to deny my statement.

I pat his muceled bicep, "I'm only kidding Jesse, but judging by your reaction there is something going on. Right?" He blushes as red as his shawl and nods a little. I squeal and clap loudly, before hugging him. After getting my bearings I calm down a bit.

"I saw the way you both acted around eachother, plus I have an excellent gaydar." I stick my chin up and flip my hair over my shoulder flamboyantly. He chuckles and we reach the doors to the mess hall. He opens it like gentleman and I bow jokingly. I giggle and he snorts only making me laugh harder.

When we enter the room there are multiple people already sitting and chatting. They look over at us and I smile and wave. Some wave back and some say hello. Pretty friendly folks, I'll probably like it here.

"Hey y'all, this 'ere's (y/n). She'll be joinin' our ranks as of late." Jesse gestures to me.

"Hello! I'm happy to be here, even if I don't know why!" I get some odd looks. "Oh yeah, I have amnesia. I can't remember pretty much my entire life, however I can still kick butt." I put my hands up and mock-punch the air.

"I'm (y/n) as Jesse said but I haven't a clue what half your names are, care to tell me?" I rub the back of my neck awkwardly. I finally get some names for their faces. I make a mental note to write them down somewhere.

Pharah, real name Fareeha Amari.
Genji, full name Genji Shimada.
Tracer, real name Lena Oxton.
Hanzo, full name Hanzo Shimada.
Junkrat, real name Jamison Fawkes.
Mei, full name Mei-Ling Zhou.
Torbjörn, full name Torbjörn Lindholm.
D.Va, real name Hana Song.
Reinhardt, full name Reinhardt Wilhelm.
Roadhog, real name Mako Rutledge.
Winston, the gorilla.
Zarya, full name Aleksandra Zaryanova.
Ana, full name Ana Amari.
Lúcio, full name Lúcio Correia dos Santos.
Symmetra, real name Satya Vaswani.

Thats a lot of people, "Thank you, I apologize if I ever forget or mispronounce your names as I am bad at remembering names." I bow my head politely.

"It's alright luv! Come and eat something, you look hungry." Lena says. I sit down beside her and she offers me half of her sandwich, I happily take it from her and take a large bite of the delicious looking sandwich practically inhaling it. It's then that I realize that I haven't eaten since the plane ride to Tennessee. I politely ask for another and she points to the kitchen saying there is more in there.

I hurriedly stand up, almost knocking the chair over and speed walk to the kitchen. When I enter, I notice two things. One, the large plate of sandwiches. Two, Jack is eating alone in here.

Jack turns to me and immediately turns to walk out of the room. I quickly reach out and grab his arm, he turns to me sharply.

"Let go of me." He demands. I shake my head.

"Not untill you tell me why you hate me." I look him in the eyes. He sighs heavily, as if he is trying to retain his composure.

"I don't... hate you (y/n)." His eyes meet mine. He lifts lifts hand up to my face hesitantly and, as if afraid to break me, places it on my cheek. I'm a little weirded out, but something deep within me is begging me to stay, begging me to remember.

I want to. I want to remember, I want to know what I was like as a kid, what music I listened to. What people did I have crushes on, what sports did I play, who were my friends. I want to remember everything. I want to remember my life, and everything about it.

I want to know what my parents were like.

Did I have parents? Was I an orphan? Did I live on the streets? Or did they love me and spoil me with gifts and toys? Did they treat me like a princess? Did the dress me up, play dolls with me? Did they love me? Do they think I'm dead? Do they remember me?

I want to remember...

I need to remember...

Remember. "-" You need to remember. "(Y/-" YOU MUST REMEMBER!!  "(Y/n)!"

My eyes open and I'm staring at the worried faces of Jack and Angela. My head is in Jack's lap and Angela has her hand on my forehead. They both look relieved to see me conscious.

I try to sit up but Angela pushes me back down, "You need to rest for a while. No quick movements."

"W-What happened?" I ask, bringing my hand up to my face.

"We were talking and you suddenly got this pained look on your face, then you fell over. I caught you before your head hit the ground." Jack says.

"Sorry," I close my eyes and rest my hand across my face.

"What's the last thing you remember before waking up on the ground?" Angela asks.

"Well, I remember this..." I trail off. "How do I phrase this without sounding crazy... I remember this... voice, no, it was more of a feeling... telling me to remember. It was like my body was trying to force me to remember, urging me to remember what I have forgotten. It seemed important but I still can't remember anything." I put my hands in front of my face and stare at them.

"Ok, I'm going to have Jack walk you too your room and I'll bring some more sandwiches over in a second, ok?" I nod at Angela's instruction.

Jack moves me so he has and arm on my waist and he slings my arm over his shoulder before standing up and lifting me up as well. We make our way slowly to my room and he opens to door and walks me to my bed. I crawl into my bed and I lean into the pillows. I close my eyes and feel the bed dip where Jack sits down.

"I'm sorry, (y/n)," He says, I open my eyes.

"Why? Why are you sorry Jack?" I sit up, looking him in the eyes.

"I'm sorry for everything," Is all he says before standing up and walking out of my room. I sit and stare at the celing as I contemplate his words.

What could that possibly mean? 'I'm sorry for everything,' What is  'everything'? I've only known him for less than  a day.


Boom. Another chappie done. Tell me what you think!

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