Chapter 11: Pancakes and Demons

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The time is 4:53 am. I have just awoken from my peaceful slumber by nothing in particular. I lay in bed staring at the ceiling, trying to call back asleep. I groan in irritation, before rolling over and sitting on the edge on my bed.

The least I could do is make breakfast for the team.

I pull up the hem of my purple fuzzy pajama bottoms, and throw on a black sweatshirt over my bra. I pull on some warm socks and make my way to the kitchen. I open the cupboard and grab some flour, salt, and baking powder before heading to the fridge and grabbing milk, eggs and butter.

I reach up and grab a skillet to make the pancakes, and a bowl to mix the batter. I mix up the wet ingredients and stir the dry ingredients together. I put the dry mix in batches into the wet ingredients, forming the batter.

I hum a tune as I turn the heat on the stove, and put some batter in a squeeze tube. Hoping to be creative, I make a cowboy hat pancake for McCree. I giggle at it, it's a little distorted, but otherwise cute. I flip it when the edges start to pop the bubbles. I put it on a plate and start with making a bow and arrow set for Hanzo.

I continue to hum and make cool shaped pancakes, a rocket for Fareeha, a bomb for Jamison, a cute little piglet for Mako. I made a sword for Genji, Angela's staff, Mei's little floating friend, a turret for Torbjörn. I made Jacks 76 logo thing, Lena's blue heart thing. I made Lucio a speaker,   Olivia's hacker skull, a spider for Amilié, an angsty skull for Gabriel, a big fist for Akande, a big hammer for Reinhardt, a jar of peanut butter for Winston, the eye of Horus for Ana, a bottle of Mt. Dew for Hana, and Satya's mask thing.

I have alot of batter left and I suppose people will want more than one, so I make a bunch of regular pancakes to fill their stomachs. I glance at the clock, it's about 6 now. Good, people will be getting up soon.

I glance at the table, quickly counting up the chairs. There is enough for everyone to sit. I put the special pancakes on individual plates and the normal pancakes on two big plates.

I grab the bottle of maple syrup from the cubbard, pour some into two cups and pop the cups into the microwave to warm up. I hear footsteps and a voice pipes up behind me.

"What's all this Sheela?" Jamison asks in his thick Australian accent.

"Breakfast!" I smile cheerily at him and Mako, "I made pancakes! Oh and I have special ones too!" I grab Jamison's designated pancakes and put the plate on the table in front of Jamison.

"Tada!" I smile and put my hands out. Jamison looks at his plates and smiles.

"This is awesome Sheela! You made these?" He asks, pouring syrup all over his pancake.

"I did! I also have a bunch in the kitchen if you want more." I smile and chuckle. "Oh and Mako, I have your pancake too if you would like it. I don't really know if you like pancakes or not, I can always make something else if you want. It's not that hard-" He simply chuckles, inturupting my rant.

"I love pancakes." I break out in a smile and rush into the kitchen, grab the plate and run back out. I shove the plate on the table in front of him.

"It's a little piglet! Like your cute little belly tattoo!" Jamison chocked on his pancake in laughter, Mako simply stares at him. "What? It think his tattoo is cute." Whatever Jamison is going to say is inturupted by McCree and Hanzo walking in the door with Torbjörn and Reinhart behind them shortly.

"Oh! Good morning! I made pancakes, there are some on the table and I'll go get you special ones from the kitchen!" I turn and sprint into the kitchen, balancing their plates like a waitress and walking more carfully back into the room. I put their corresponding plates in from of them.

"Tada! Special pancakes! You like em'?" Jesse wipes an imaginary tear from the corner of his eye and smiles at me.

"It's lovely darlin'. You didn't need to do this for us." He says.

I just shake my head, "I was up at 5, and I needed to thank you all for all that you've done for me, this was the least I could do." He smiles up at me before taking a bite of his pancake hat.

People continue to wake up from their sleeping and come in for breakfast. Almost everone came down and ate before continuing along their day. Everyone exept those two.

"They should be here by now." I mumble. I look into the kitchen with their pancakes and sigh. "Guess they'r not coming." I stand an begin clearing the empty plates away from the table, face downcast and probably looking depressed.

A alarm begins blaring, shocking me out of my depressive episode. I quickly sprint outside where the team is.

"What's happening guys?" I ask.

"Some mysterious fissures have opened up, and some odd creatures crawled of them and are causing havoc." Hanzo explains.

"Let's go team. Our main goal is to protect the citizens." Jack says and we all run out.

The town is in chaos, beings with black eyes and red claws crawl out of large cracks in the concrete. The creatures are setting fire to everything, and shattering windows and breaking everything they can. The team breaks up and begins taking on the creatures.

I scan the crowd and spot a large red being pulling itself through the crack in the concrete. It stands multiple feet taller than the crowd, it's rolls of fat practically pool on the floor. It's eyes are black and scanning the crowd, they stop on me and the creature opens it's mouth and screams loudly. It's mouth is large and filled with teeth. It begins to run at me full speed and starts throwing chucks of buildings at me.

"Oh shit!" I curse and begin dodging the falling rocks. Up, down, left, right, down, right, duck. DUCK.

A rock barrels toward the back of (Y/n)'s head and makes contact. She crumples to the floor out cold.

Nighty night reader. You seem to be knocked out alot, you may wanna check for a concussion. It's not healthy to be hit in the head so much.

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