Chapter 8: Leaving

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Jack in an enigma.

One day he's avoiding me like the plague, the next he's sleeping beside my hospital bed. Waiting for me to wake up. He's so confusing.

"Ow," a pain throbs through my skull and I groan at the pain.

"Oh you're awake! Thank goodness." Jack says. "Do you remember anything from yesterday?"

I rack my brain, "Umm... I remember fighting with you against that skull faced guy-"


"I'm sorry, Reaper. I remember fighting Reaper with you and then I was hit... and then nothing." I look down at my feet, my eyes beginning to water. His hand reaches out to mine, and he holds it gently.

"It's okay, you're okay." He whispers.

"Shh.. oh sweetheart, what happened?" The figure asks. At this point the figures look like faded photographs from like the 50's. They are clear enough to see their outlines, but not enough to derive any detail from them. Almost like you've just taken your glasses off and the world is fuzzy.

"I-I was riding my bike a-and Billy pushed me off and into a ditch." Little my wipes the tears from my cheeks and sniffles.

"Shh.. it's okay, you're okay. I'm sure he did it on accident." He is wiping anesthetic on my scraped knees.

The other figure walks in, "What happened mija?"

"She was pushed off her bike into a ditch." The one helping heal my knees says.

"Who?" The one standing asks.

"Billy. Billy Sampson, I think." He wraps some gauze around the cuts on my knees.

"Ugh. The Sampsons'. Karen is always bringing store-bought food to the bake sale, and inturupting PTA metting with tales of her 'glorious son Billy'. I am so done with her right now, I'll talk to her next meeting." The second figure sits down next to us.

"You doing okay mija?" He asks kindly.

I nod and flex my arms, "I'm strong like Papi and Dad!" The two figures laugh at me and kiss my forehed.

"(Y/n)! Are you okay?" Jack asks.

I nod, "Just a flashback, they happen all the time. Don't worry about it." He looks suspicious, but nods anyway.

"You know, Jack. I think I misjudged you." He looks at me curiously. "I thought you had a stick up your ass, and you hated me. Now I sense there's a different emotion in your eyes.'

The retreat was silent, no-one wanted to say anything about the battle. I was thankful for my mask, as my face would've give away my emotions. I can't believe she's back, it's been so long. She's so grown up, I miss my little mija. Oh, to hold her again in my arms would be paradise.

Oh god. What have I done.

I sit at my desk and stare at the files, pondering my next move. I put my face in my hands and glare at the mask on the wall.

A head pops through the door. "Reyes! Breiefing room. Now. The higher ups are calling."

I nod and wave my hand in dismissal. I haul myself to the administration office, where I am met with the sour face of my boss. I stand at attention awaiting the lashing out.

"What happened oit there today Reyes?" He says, sternly.

"They had a secret weapon sir, we were unprepared." I say, monotone.

He glares at me, "I lost half a legion out there, you were more than unprepared." I sigh deeply.

"I apologize, sir. It won't happen again."

"It better fucking not or else your a dead man. Dissmised." I turn and walk out of the room.

I've made up my mind. I need to find Olivia, Akande, and Amélie. I take a sharp right and follow the hall to Olivia's dorm. I knock thrice and await an answer.

She opens the door with an upset expression that changes when she sees me.

"What's up Gabe?" She asks, fixing her purple hair.

"I'm leaving Talon, I want you to come with." I state blunty. She looks up at me shocked before smiling uncharacteristically kindly.

"I'd follow you anywhere, Reyes. I owe you that much. You've saved my ass countless times." She pats my arm and I sigh relieved.

"Even to Overwatch?" I ask.

"Anywhere." She smiles.

"Will you help me by getting Amélie to come with, you have a deeper bond with her than I do." She nods, and walks out her door and down the hall. I walk through the other hall and look for Akande.

I spot him lounging in a chair, reading a novel by some author I don't know.

I sit down on the chair beside him, "Hey, Akande, can I trust you?" I ask. He turns his head and nods.

"Is there a reason I must trust you, Gabriel?"

I nod, "I'm leaving Talon. I want my best guys to come with, Olivia already agreed and she is getting Amélie to join, that just leaves you. I know I can't ask you to abandon everything, but will you come with us?" I look at him hopfully.

He stares into my red eyes and looks conflicted before his gaze hardens and he nods. "I will escape with you, Gabriel." He closes his book, "When do we leave?"

Olivia walks in with Amélie at her side. "Look who I got!"

"Good, I was just talking to Akande about when we will leave. I was thinking as soon as we pack up. Talon can't legally stop us from leaving, and we just won't come back. Does that sound good?" The group nods.

"We will meet up here in 15 minutes, capiche?" Olivia says.


"I will be here."

"You can count on me."

We all walk in our seperate directions to our quarters to pack.

The door to my room opens and I look at the room I have no fond memories in. I huff in anoyance and fing a small backpack to transprt my things. I grab some random shirts and throw them in the bag. Some jeans, and other miscellaneous clothes make their way in as well. I grab my mask off the wall and shove it in the bag. I pull up the hood on my cloak and walk into the common area where we are meeting.

I find the others already there with small bags of their own.

"Ready?" I ask. Everyone nods and we walk out of the room.

Overwatch here we come.


Hey bro's another chapter done! Whop whop! Leave a like, comment or whatever!

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