Chapter 13: Reunion and Remembrance

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I awake with an itch to draw, a burning urge to get something illustrated. I swing my legs of the hospital bed and sprint to my bedroom. I rummage through my art supplies, grab a charcoal pencil, and run to the nearest blank wall. The charcoal glides onto the wall smoothly and purposefully as my hand moves purposefully across the wall, creating an almost poetic movement. The drawing is almost as big as the wall and I run back and forth covering the wall in nonsense scribbles and scratches.

The shape begins to come more clear as figures begin to appear. Their bodies become more defined as I continue to move the charcoal around the wall revealing two muscular figures and one shorter one in between them. The two muscular figures are flexing with their arms in the air, and the shorter figure is holding onto their arms and swinging in between them. The shorter figure is female and as her face becomes sharper, it reveals my smiling features. Much younger but still me. My eyes are closed and I seem to be mid laugh as I dangle between the muscular men.

I reach up and my hand continues to draw the males faces. The charcoal smudges a small bit where my arm rubs the wall.

My door bursts open and I swing around to see Angela standing in the doorway, starting at me awestruck. Her eyes dance across the walls of my room, starting at all of my drawings, and my charcoal covered form.

"Angela! Have you found her yet?" I hear Jack's voice ring out from the hall. He appeared in the doorway and all the color drains from his face.

"What is all of this?" Angela asks me.

I turn to my work and look up at my younger smiling face along with two blank faces. I drop to my knees while I look up at my unfinished piece. I groan and drag my charcoal covered hand down my face, probably smudging or into my face.

"Damn it." I whisper as I clench my fist and squeeze my eyes closed, trying to find the image in my brain.


"Damn it!" I yell as I slam my fists to the ground frustrated. My hands throb from the pain but I grit my teeth and ignore it. I blink away unshed tears and calm my beating heart. I stand up slowly and turn to face my superiors, face downcast and depressed. Jack is still scanning my sketch covered walls and drawings with an expressionless facade, although a spark of an unknown emotion crosses his face as he stares at my mural.

"Leave." I whisper, untrusting of my voice. Angela takes a step closer with her hands outstretched, a flash of anger flashes through me.

A growl rips through my throat, "I said leave!" My voice booms with anger and authority. Angela takes a step back with her hands to her chest and a scared look in her eyes before turning and exciting my room. A pang of regret pangs my heart as I watch her go, but my anger pushes out out of the way. My eyes flit to Jack. He just stands looking at me and the mural behind me.

He looks back at me and sights heavily before looming at the floor and making his way out. The door closed behind him and I fall to the floor again. My anger melts to sadness and sobs wreck my body as I lay shaking on the floor of my room, starting up at the unfinished mural. I lay weeping on the cold concrete, covered in charcoal and tears, until my body succumbs to the exhaustion and I fall into a sorrowful sleep.


The three supernatural beings look at each other sadly and share a depressed sigh.

"That could have gone better." Kyle looks between his companions.

Sadie rolls her eyes, "I don't get why we couldn't have just told her who her father's were." Charles taps his cheek thoughtfully.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2018 ⏰

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