4- Nanba Prison

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I was in my corner, my arms around my legs. Clicks of guns and running echoes the hallway, they point the guns at me, I stare at them. "Inmate 6! Why did you kill, inmate 71 and Makura?!" One of them speak. Why? I don't know, I don't know what happened. I was searching for words to say. "Inmate 6! Why did you kill them?!" He repeats. I gulp. "... Why? I don't know..." I finally say. They all wonder looking at each other. "No excuse! Fire!" I move my eyes to them, and they all shoot dart guns, they all hit my body, it was blurry and my head was dizzy, it took sometime to fall on the cold hard stoned floor, I close my eyes.

All the guards stops pointing at Y/n. "Inmate 6 has been put to sleep." One of the guards speak to a radio. "Good. Bring her to the infirmary. Strap her down while she recovers." "Yes sir." They end the conversation, the guards unlock the cell and picks up Y/n, to the infirmary.

*Beep... beep... beep*

Beeping fills the room, Y/n slowly opens her eyes and was hit with brightness, she was confused she stares at the ceiling for a while, and tries to get up but, her arms and legs were strapped down. Y/n looks left and right, she was confused. Until someone comes out of the shadows. "You finally awoken." A old man comes in his hands behind his back, eyes closed. "Where am I?" Y/n questions. "In the infirmary. You don't look injured or some short. You feeling anything?" He questions. "No, not really. Just a little dizzy." Y/n stares back at the ceiling, the old man strokes his thin beard on his chin. "Hm. Alright I'll in strap you." The man walks to Y/n and starts unclipping the straps, Y/n was confused. "What? You're just gonna let me go? Just like that?" "Mmhm." The old man finally was finally done unclipping them. "A few guards are waiting for you." He warns Y/n and then goes to another room. Y/n rubs her wrist and gets off the bed, heading out of the room.

She opens the door, and men with guns stand right before Y/n. Y/n walks straight the guards following her, Y/n looks down. They stop at a room. Y/n looks at the guards, telling her to open it, she opens the door and finds loads of different men inside, one of them stares at an empty chair telling her to sit, she walks to the empty chair and looks down. "You killed a prisoner and a guard. Why?" He sounded mad. "... I don't know..." She says the same question. The men eyes widen staring at her. "You don't know? What the hell does that mean?!" One of the men slams his hands on the table. "It means I don't know." Y/n moves her eyes to the man, emotionless. The man stares at her in shock and anger.

"Well, since we have no other choice. You are going to be exchanged to another prison." The man in front of her says. "Where am I going?" Y/n questions her head lifts up. It was silence for a moment.

"Nanba prison."

Mitsuru: Ooooo, everything is going fast!

I had to

Mitsuru: Well, can't wait to meet the new prisoner! *sticks out tongue*

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