21- "Like a Child." -Jyugo

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Everything went into complete shit and I'm hoping no one found out about my identity. As I sit in the corner groaning running my hands in my hair.

I slowly lift my left hand to my left eye, feeling scars across it. I look down sadly. I don't know how it happened but, I remember who gave it to me.

"Hm, you seem sad?" N/n appears behind me once again. "What makes you say that?" I question looking at her. "Where the same person. We both share what we're feeling." N/n crosses her arms. I sigh deeply. "Yeah. I miss them." I look down at the ground. "Yeah, I know. They'll come, I know it." N/n says confidentiality. I smile softly at her.

"But, uh.... Why won't you move your bangs?" She cocks her head to the side. I look up at her in surprise. She was talking about my hair covering my left eye, I lift my hand and feel the scar on my eye. "I don't want people to look at me. I'm not a pretty thing to see..." I let go of my eye and sigh. "But, I'd rather not talk about it..."

N/n looks at me. "Want to escape?" N/n changes the subject. I shake my head. "No, I don't have much energy to run or dodge any traps..." I rub my head in announce.

"Matt!" I hear a male voice call out to me, I snap out of my thoughts and look at the small window, Uno. "Yes?" I say plainly. "Me and the guys are heading to my game room. Care to join?" He asks with a smile. I stare at him blankly. "Why ask me to join with you?" I ask curiously and getting off the ground. Uno flicks his cap making it pull up. "You've done so much for us, we thought maybe you need a break?" Uno smiles.

"Well, I mean, we can probably find another way out. We can adjust the prison more, I think we should do it." N/n whispers in my ear, feeling her big grin.

N/n may be right. But, if I adjust the prison to much guards will suspect something... I have to be careful.

I give out a small sigh. "Sure." I say flatly. He grins with a small giggle.


Following behind from the group, I look around my surroundings as I memorize each and every hallway and turn with each floor. "Hey." I hear a deep voice say behind me, I look over my shoulder as I see Jyugo stare at me. "Yes?" I squint my eyebrows, he walks the same pace as me. "You've done so much for the guys." He says his hands in his pockets. "I mean, it's my job. I'm supposed to get the things they ordered for me to get. But, I haven't figured out about you." I turn my gaze towards him.

He blinks at me then looks away. "There's really nothing I want honestly. And, what's up with that act?" I give a confused look. "Huh?" I tilt my head to the side. "You sound like your in the military or something. The 'they ordered me' and how you talk." I see a small smirk appear across his lips. I look down a little embarrassed. "There's nothing the way I talk." I mumble under my breath. He laughs softly. "You sound like a lifeless person, no, a robot." He chuckles. I feel offended by his words. "I beg your pardon?"

He laughs at my expression. "We're almost there Matt, you can calm down." He ruffles my hair as I was a little kid. "Stop, I'm not a child." I slap his hand away. He chuckles. "You seem like one." He warmly smiles at me. I stare at him blankly.

"Ah, were here." Jyugo looks forward towards a room that had a sign above It 'Game Room'.

I AM truly sorry for the lack of updates!

I couldn't find any motivation or the time to write but, I'm hoping that I'll update more as I'll get to it sometime

And if there's any typos or anything like that I'm sorry, me first language wasn't English so uh ya,, and I can't really put detail so ya ha

But, hey. Finally right??

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