8- HAJIME!!!

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"Inmate 6! Get up!" A male voice calls out to me, while knocking on the bars. I slowly opened my eyes, bags under my eyes, I sit up. I looked at the guard, he looks at me weirdly. "Uhh, did I get the right cell?" He stares at me wide eyed. "Yes. You do have the right cell." I say with no expression, I get up and walked to the bars. "Supposedly, I have to go?" I stare up at him. He snaps back and fettles with the keys and unlocks the cell. I step out looking straight.

We made it to a room, the guard opens the door. I walk inside, and the man before 'Fujihura' looks at me weirdly as well with the old man. "Mike, did you get the right one?" He stares at the guard. "Y-yes, I did. I think she cut her hair with something and her breast got smaller?" He flicks with my hair and hover his hands together as saying small. "Oh... I guess this will do..." Fujiharu says. "Let's get the photo then. I wanna go home." The old man rubs his back as he was bending down to focus the camera. "You have work to do later. Okay, stand in front of the white board." He points, I walked over to it and stand still looking at the camera. A click and a flash blinds me for a moment. "Okay, sending the photo to Nanba prison." The old man types away. "Okay, take her to the waiting room." Fujiharu waves his hand. The guard takes my arm and we leave the room. "Where am I going, next?" I ask looking down. "Nanba." He says shortly.

Then, something hits me like a brick. I felt dizzy, I tumble for a moment, my hand placed on my head. The guard was concern. "Inmate 6.... something..... wrong...... someone!" I couldn't hear what he was saying, and then darkness fills me...

~~ ~~
I opened my eyes and find myself in the dark. Why does this happen? Am I sick? Am I disabled? What's happening?

"I, knoooow why you're scared." A sudden voice echoes. I turn around. "Who's there?!" I question, frantically looking around. "I'm you well, the other you. I'm N/n (nickname). The guardian or spirit or whatever." It chuckles evilly. A sweat drop comes down. "I never heard of you. Show yourself!" I command confidently. "As you wish~." I felt a warn precincts behind me, I turn around to face... myself. But, she was more different her hair was the opposite of mine, and her eyes... she had a scar on the left... like me.

I gulp, staring at the opposite of me. "It's been a while huh?"

Nanba prison
"Woah! That was so cool!" A green haired male jumps. "Hey, when is lunch, I'm getting hungry." A muscular man with purple and red hair says. "We just ate, Rock." A boy with black hair red tips, and shackles on his wrist, neck and ankles, says nonchalantly. "So, who wants to play a little bit of poker?" Chuckles a man, with long braided hair blond and pink hair, wearing a cap. "I'm down!" Jolts up Rock, sitting across from the blonde. He places the cards. "If I win, you have to give me your lunch tomorrow, Uno!" Rock grins. "Okay, if I win, I get to eat your lunch for a whole week." Uno winks, grinning. "Hey! That's not fair!"

"Uh, guys, you have to read this." Calls out an innocent voice looking at a laptop. The others pop up. "Apparently, there's this one guy, who killed his cell mate and a guard... and he escaped an asylum! Woah, this sounds like an anime or an manga!" The green hair jolts up in excitement, laughing. Uno pushes the green hair and starts to read it. "And, his killed thousands of people... mostly famous people." Uno scrolls down. "Anything else it says?" The black hair pops up from Uno's back. "Not much information but, there's a lot of fanart about this guy!" "Heh, at least he won't be in this prison." The black hair smirks. "Yeah! You're right Jyugo!" The green hair smiles. "I mean, his not that scary." Rock adds in. "Yeah! Hahaha, haha... ha... ha..." They all went silent.

"HAJIME!! DON'T LET THIS GUY HERE, I KNOW WE SAID DON'T LET THAT SERIAL KILLER IN BUT, DON'T BRING THIS ONE!" Jyugo and the rest stick out their heads from the bars, crying. "PLEASE!!" The all yell begging. Hajime was irritated. "SHUT UP WILL YOU, I DON'T GIVE A F*CK OR YOUR SHIT, JUST SHUT THE F*CK UP YOU PIECE OF SON OF A-"


Please stand. Brought to you by, Nico hugging a cat.

Hajime sighs. "Hope you guys calmed down. The last thing is hearing you whine." Hajime stares at them in their cells. "Yeah, we're good!" Uno looks at a magazine, a pillow on the floor. "This will do for now." Jyugo looks at the TV. "Thanks for getting a new manga!" Nico reading a manga while laying on the floor, swinging his legs up and down. "Woah, this looks good..." Rock stares at a menu. Hajime sighs in relief. "Supervisor! I have news!" Seitarou jogs to Hajime holding papers. "What is it?" He asks expressionless. "It's about the new, inmate." Seitarou gives the paper. The guys turns there head to Seitarou. "WHAAAAAT?!?!" They all yell. Hajime grumbles. "You could've give them to me somewhere else?" Hajime stares down at Seitarou. "S-sorry." He apologizes, giving the papers. "Hm, what's it about?" Hajime was about to read it when...

Jyugo takes it from him. "WHATS IT SAY?!?" Uno grabs hold of the paper. "HEY! Give it?" Hajime takes the papers harshly. "Damn it, don't take people's stuff." Hajime straightens the paper and reads. His eyes widen as if glass has been broken, he sighs loudly. "Well, your cell mate will haunt you." Hajime says, his back facing the inmates. "WAH!?! TELL US ABOUT HIM HAJIME!!" Uno commands. "Sorry, can't, I'm on break." Hajime shrugs and walks off. "HAJIME COME BACK HERE!!" Uno waves his hands around. "Sorry, can't hear you." Hajime yells while placing his hand on his ear.

The ground, sits down in a line. Thinking what's going to happen to them, there eyes twitching and trembling...


Sorry, I'll go to the Internet...

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