18- "Games!!" -Nico

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Staying in bed all day, I knew I still had to do more. Get Nico's game, Rock's food, and Jyugo's..... Things. I got up and looked at my window, it was sunset.

The run slowly going down, when it finally disappears. I sigh still a little tired when. "Hey! I saw Uno has his phone, are you getting my game?" Nico says innocently, I nod. "Yeah, I think it's coming soon..." I place my hand on my head a little pain in my head, Nico looked worried. "Are you alright?" Nico asks worriedly. "Yeah. Just an little headache." I look somewhere else. It took Nico a moment but, he left.

'That kid worry's to much.'

As it was officially dark out, I decided to try and sleep, trying to connect to twin control.

Everything was the same in twin control.

"B/n, you here?" I look around. "Always here." A familiar voice echoes. I turn around and see my twin brother. "Sorry I haven't been active here. I need an request." I say flatly. He tilts his head. "What request?"
"A game."
"A game? Aren't you in prison?" B/n squints his eyes. "Not for me. I need it to get it for a boy." I wave my hand explaining.

As I look to see B/n, his eyes where filled with shock. "Uh, B/n?" I sweat drop. "WHO'S THIS BOY?!" He shouts, blowing my hair, I sigh. "Calm down..." I put my hand on his shoulder. "CALM DOWN?! HE BETTER NOT MADE YOU PREGNANT!!" He points at me. "What?! No! Like I'll give my body up that easily!" I roll my eyes.

After he calmed down, I explain what it was like in Nanba. "Hm, seems nice, for a prison." He narrows his eyes. "I know. A little too nice. I'm starting to think of this is even a prison." I cross my arms. "What game do I have to get? It will be hard to get stuff here, since you have to concentrate real hard to get it here." He explains.

I sigh. "I know. If I get these requests done, they'll help me get out of this hell hole." B/n sighs. "I'll see what I can do." I walk to B/n and hug him. "I'll see you soon..."

Everything went white, bringing me to the real world....

"Inmate 13! Get up!" A cold voice yells. I slowly open my eyes, groaning. I get up rubbing my eye. "Breakfast is in 10 minutes." Hajime walks away. I growl. "Mattie!" Nico chirps happily, I turn my head to him. "Mattie?" I cock my head to the side.

"Yeah, since you're name is Matthew, I thought I'd call you Mattie!" He smiles happily. I look somewhere else, almost forgetting my fake name. "Yeah, call me what you like..." I get up waiting for the door to open.

I wait in line for breakfast, today they were serving, pancakes with scrabbled eggs with sausages. I was in front in line and I look up at the huge man with the scar, I gulp. He served me the food and I was surprised he gave me food, I thank him and leave to my corner. I look over to the cell 13 guys, Uno was on his phone, that guy is careless, he doesn't know how hard I got that. Rock was eating up his breakfast, Nico was eating little by little. Jyugo barely touched his food.

I look at my breakfast and had the urge of having blood....

"Come on. Just a little won't hurt the beast~." N/n appears behind me. I look down at my hand and bite my finger and little blood comes out, I suck on it satisfying my hunger for blood. (No vampire thing here.)

I look down at my food and eat it.

I was about to walk over to my cell when, "E-excuse me." A red haired boy walks up to me, I turn around facing him. "Yes?" I say plainly. "U-um... What's your name?" He looks down, I see his ears red..... Oh no...

I look somewhere else. "Uh, Matthew...." I felt nervous and worried. It wasn't because he ask my name, it was if he found out that I'm a woman. "Matthew... That's a cute name for a guy like you." He smiles sweetly. My eyes slightly widen.

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