16- Pay us! And we'll be nice! -Nico

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As we ran, I stepped on a pressure plate, as the floor sunk a little, my eyes widen. The wall spun us to another hallway, leaving us shocked laying on the floor. We all get up, I dust my straight jacket same as the others. "What the hell was that crap?" Jyugo says shakily. "I don't know but, we're alive!" Uno raises his arms up in the air smiling. Okay, their distracted. This means I can leave. I tip-toe from the hallway when,

"Hey, where you going?" Rock calls out, I sigh. "What does it look like I'm doing? I want to leave." I put my hand on my hip. "You're not the only one." Jyugo says blankly. "I know that. Although.... I do need help." A little smirk comes across my lips. "Oh no, we're not falling for that one! You owe us, big time!" Uno points a finger at me. I sigh heavily. "What do I have to do?" After I said that.

Their faces went dull, staring blankly at me. I raise an brow. "What?" I fold my arms. "You didn't hesitate at all... That's not what I expected..." Uno blinks, while Nico jumps happily. "Yay! I finally won an bet on Uno!" Nico smiles happily. I was really confused. "A bet?" I squint my eyes. "Yeeeaah, Uno and Nico bet on you. Nico bet that you'd kindly say yes if you would help us like ever, and Uno bet you'd say no and kill us." Jyugo explains. "...... What?" I narrow my eyebrows. "I never met an Canadian, so it is true there nice and caring? I also heard they talk funny." Rock looks up a hand placed on his chin, I sigh a little white smoke coming out of my mouth. "So it is true Americans think Canadians are just all lovable? And I thought they eat fast food." I snap back. "HEY!" Rock and Nico yell.

So, Nico is also American? Fun fact for me, huh? "Anyways, what do I pay for you?" I stare at them, they all huddle up together, I title my head trying to see what there doing. When suddenly, they all stare at me. They all had smirks and grins, I gulp and an cold sweat comes down my head. "Will you give us anything we want?" Uno questions grinning. "Um, s-sure." They all grin. Oh god. "I want you to sneak into the staff room and grab the cell phone there!" Uno winks while he snapped his fingers. "Why an cell phone? Family members?" I title my head. "No..."

Uno pauses for a moment, making me interested. "To talk with my girlfriends~." Uno says dreamily, his hands clapped together near his cheek, eyes closed. I sigh rolling my eyes. "Okay, I'll see what I can do." I cross my arms, while Uno dances around happily.

"Okay, who else?" I say coldly. Nico raises his hand waving it around, I roll my eyes to him. 'His not that bad right?' I thought to myself. "Go on." I stare at him blankly. "I wanted a game..." He fiddles with his fingers. "Don't you have an game room, Nico?" Jyugo stares at him. "I do but, Hajime wouldn't get me it." Nico stares at Jyugo then me. "Will you get it for me?" Nico asks in innocently. His not that bad. "What is it called?" I raise a brow. "Okay... It's called, Outlast and Resident Evil 7!" He says happily. I title my head confused. "What is that?"

Rock, Jyugo, and Uno look at me in terror. "I'll be gladly to tell you! Outlast is, bloody, nudity, with f***ing gore and shit with and crazy people I saw and Resident Evil 7, I play 6 of them and it's f***king, cool-"

*-Please stand by brought to you by, Happy Nico playing with Bunny (Y/n~Chan's cat)-*

Nico was done..... Jesus Christ, how can a sweet thing like shit like this? My face had no colour at all. "You got that?" Nico says happily. "Y... Yeah..." Nico jumps happily laughing happily.

I shake my head, colour appearing on my face. "Rock?" I pick him because, he seemed to be alright but, scary. His eyes widen a little surprised. "Oh, um... Hm..." He thinks for a moment. Then his eyes jolt up with happiness. "Can you order all you can eat buffet, I saw in a magazine?!" He runs to me taking a paper from his pocket, I take it and saw multiple foods on each pages, I sigh once again. "I'll see what I can do, if I can't then, you can have my breakfast and lunch." I give him his magazine.

He happily smiles and dances with the others. That means one more, Jyugo. "Jyugo, was it? What's your 'wish'?" I ask him, his eyes widen with surprise. "Oh... Uh.... Whatever the guys want, I guess." He waves his hand looking somewhere else. Is he serious? I want an real answer. "I don't want this bullshit right now, give me an answer and I'll get it." I narrow my eyes. He blinks twice, and scratches the nape of his neck. "Um... I-I don't know, I mean, maybe... A puzzle game?" He shrugs. I stare at him for a moment but, I sigh. "Okay, all of your request has been received..." I was about to walk away when,

"Wait! As an thank you." I turn around.  "Thank you? What the hell? I ditched you guys, and I'm about to get you thinks, and your gonna... Thank me?" I stare at them blankly. "Well, that is true but, you're getting us thinks we wanted and if you get them, we'll be nice to you." Uno smiles, I don't know what to do... "Um, you don't have to..." I was about to walk away when, Nico speaks. "Please, except our offer besides, you're getting us so much that, we can be a little nice and we'll get to know each other!" Nico smiles. My heart felt.... Different.

I shake my head. "Be nice to me if you'd like but, if you try to get to know me, tch! Good luck with that, if you wanted to gain my trust, break me out of here, then I'll show you who I really was." I turned my back to them, looking down at my feet.

When, something had to ruin the badass moment, with an yell from, Hajime.

Be happy my children! I'm talking to you!

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