Dates in Hogsmead.

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"Come on Lils, just one tiny date?" Lorcan asked as they walked to the common room after transfiguration,

"Maybe, but I might be spending the day with Lia and the others" She replied coolly, it wasn't that she didn't want to been seen in public with him it was just that she didn't think that they were really the sort of couple that went on dates.

As horrible and even un-lily as it was, Lorcan Scamander was her own personal distraction. He was doing a brilliant job as well as she had failed to notice how much she was missing in her classes, but yet she managed to notice every little detail of Scorpius and Rose's relationship. So maybe Lorcan wasn't doing such a great job.

"Yeah, sure" Lorcan said, slightly disheartened. She was his girlfriend after all. "Look Lils, I have to go. Quidditch Practise. I'll see you later and we can confirm." His cheeky grin returned as he gave her a peck on the lips and left her alone.

For several moments she just stood. Alone. Before the silence was broken as she entered the common room, talking to the Fat Lady as she passed through.

"Has anyone ever told you that you look like Dawn French? She's a muggle actress" Lily asked, putting her charade back on.

"Only you Lily Potter" was the response she received, it earned a small laugh before she sank into a sofa, and into sleep.

It was only lunch. She only woke up later when Roxanne, the head of Gryffindor Quidditch came to shout at her for missing practise. The warning was ignored and when Lorcan came to meet her after dinner she just agreed to the date. Before returning to sleep, and missing another practise as well as extra potions.


"I'm so glad you agreed to this Lils" Lorcan said, grinning and the absolute picture of joy.

"Of course, so what are we doing?" She said, with an almost equal grin, but with none of its meaning or warmth.

Lorcan only tapped his nose, indicating that it was a surprise.

Lily gave up. Yet only moments later, he stopped walking and turned to a building on their right.

"Ta Da!" Lorcan said pointing up to the hideously pink and frilly café.

Lily turned to him with a glare,

"No, please tell me you're joking"

"Maybe just a little" he said,

"Good" Lily said with an over-exaggerated sigh of relief. "So we continue"

"We continue" He answered.

So they walked, talking and visiting lots of the shops. A typical visit to Hogsmead, just without the usual crowd.

Lorcan was sweet. He bought her sweets and a small toy elephant. The public image of Lily loved it, yet Lily didn't, it was awkward.

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