Would you call this a first date? - Part Two

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Lily and Scorpius walked through the door into the village hall where the exhibition was being held, and simultaneously let out a small laugh.
"This is so small!" Laughed Lily "I was expecting... well not this!" Her gazed passed around the space, looking at the tree rows of tables, each with some images and occasionally a book that looked so old it would turn to dust if you touched it,
"Yeah, I'm not sure you can call this an exhibition," Scorpius added "Maybe a limited collection," they grinned and looked towards each other.
"I guess we should look round since we're here?"
"Of course, after you." Scorpius said with a mock bow, causing Lily to laugh again.

They spent maybe an hour looking at each desk, they chatted as if they were in their own little world. The muggles that were also there would say under their breaths how cute that young couple were, but Lily and Scorpius didn't notice. Lily would read passages from the books utterly engrossed in the history and Scorpius would look at her, amused by her concentration. Occasionally she would point something out and he would quickly turn his attention to it, agreeing with whatever she said.

"So, was it worth coming?" Amusement filled Scorpius voice,
"I can tell when you're teasing me but yes! Even though it was a 'limited collection' I really did find it fascinating. Can you believe that they had the oldest castle in the county? It's such a shame it fell into disrepair!" Lily's enthusiasm bursted out of her and seemed to fill the cobbled road they were walking down,
"I was not teasing you. Well not much anyway, I am really glad you enjoyed it and yeah, that's an insane fact!" He nodded his head as he spoke and this time it was truly sincere, he was glad she was happy. "I was however thinking that since we're not due back at the house for a bit, we could perhaps go to a cafe for tea and cake?"
Lily grinned, "This wouldn't be a date would it Malfoy?"
Scorpius blushed and turned his head, embarrassed to have been called out. She hadn't thought he'd take it so personally, he teased her constantly.
Maybe he had meant it as a date. Lily thought for a second before smiling.
She stood on her tiptoes and whispered in his ear,
"I'd be delighted"


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