Chapter 1

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A paper ball landed on my desk. I looked up from my book and around the class to see the culprit. But found no one. Mrs. Higgins was busy writing on the board, her back to us. I was about to throw the ball out of the window when I noticed something was written inside.

It was a drawing of a cartoon girl. It was funny. An arrow pointed at the girl and the base of the arrow was my name. Marie. (Everyone called me Marie instead of Morrisa after the church Bishop had started calling me Marie.) Then there was another arrow near the stomach. The end of the arrow had Marie cut off and had Bloody Marie written on it.

I crushed the paper and put it under my desk. I had no time for this childish nuisance. It's about time they grew a head or two. Without a single expression, I went back to my book.

The bell rang and everybody rushed out of the class as if their butts were on fire. I took my time packing my things and leaving. Quietly, I walked down the empty hallways to my locker.

My mind wandered off into my imaginary land. The land where my dangerous, bad-ass side was hidden. There were no strings that pulled me back into being the ideal girl. The well-behaved girl was far gone. A girl of her own --

I was yanked by a hand into the janitor's closet. I gasped in shock. It was completely dark inside. I was pushed to the wall. I tried to scream but a hand on my mouth muffled them. I tried to pry out of the human's grasp. But my hands were pinned above my head. I tried to kick but both of my legs were blocked by a pair of other legs.

I tried to scream but I was met with a certain pair of green eyes. My body slumped in defeat. The green eyes' grip on me loosened. That was when I bit his hand. He yelped in pain. I took it as a chance to kick him. But he was quick and this time, his whole body was pressed against me to stop me. His lips were inches away from mine. I stared up at his green eyes.


My name rolled out of his lips as a breathy sigh. His voice was deep and husky. I can't deny it. His voice was the best sound in the world. My knees went weak.

And that was when I snapped out of it. I again struggled to free myself.

"Marie, listen to me. " his voice came out strangled. Instantly I looked into his eyes.

"Who are you?" I tried to say but all it came out was muffles. He removed his hand from my mouth. "Who are you?" I repeated.

"I am Jason Rush."

Jason Rush. The school's hottie. How did I not recognize him? What was he doing here? What is this?

"What do you want?" I spat.



"Yes, you. I wanted to talk to you. But I didn't want to hamper my reputation if they caught me talking to you. Let's just say you're not my type-"

I had the sudden urge to hit the cocky bastard across his face so hard that there is a handprint for days.

"- but this once I hate to make an exception. " he finished

I raised an eyebrow.

"Don't get flattered. I am not finished yet. So I was saying that I wanted to make a deal with you. You be my booty call and I will be your partner in the dance competition you want to participate in. " He finished. He cocked his head to the side waiting for an answer. He seriously thought I would even consider it? I may be a nobody in school and maybe I had no dance partner. But I was not a desperate bimbo who would sleep with him!


I said and pushed myself off the wall and left the closet. The tardy bell rang. Great! Now I would have another detention! Just because of that jerk.

MorrisaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang