Chapter 12

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I am sorry, I forgot to add one more twist in this chapter. I had kept it for later but I think it would be much better if I add it here. So here is the edited version!

Welcome to the heart of the sacred forest.

My conscience greeted me.

I started scanning the room.

The white wall had white curtains, the furniture was white if not made of glass. The couches, sofa, and cushions all white. Even though it was all white, the house looked really beautiful. It had an aura of sophistication.

I started walking down the hallway. I passed room after room. The house was much bigger than it looked from outside.

I walked in until I was in front of the last door. I opened the door and stepped inside.

It was too dark inside there were no lights. I started searching for switches.
Lights? I thought as I searched.

Instantly the lights switched on. As if someone had heard my thoughts or had seen me.

I turned around to see who caught me. But there was nobody. I turned around back into the room.

The room was full of shelves of books. I beyond the shelves and tried to find the person. But there was no one there but me.

I took a deep breath and started browsing through the books.

Rules and norms for an angel: volume 1, 2, 3 to 10.

Hierarchy of angels.

I stopped when I read that. I took the book out from the shelf.

Hierarchy of Angels

Archangel - An angel who has the highest power. Power to suck the energy of a demon and mold it into an angel.

Infrangel- An angel who works under an archangel. Less power than an archangel but can kill a demon.

Angel- the lowest level of angels. Power to fight a demon. But not kill them.

Further were the rules and regulations and the functions of each angel.

Another book was Classification of Angels. I skipped the book and moved on to another. I already knew it, thanks to the Sunday schools.

The books then were almost the same. Until I reached one book.

The Great War: 614 AD to 911 AD. (Human years)

I took the book and sat by the desk and started reading.

From 614 AD to 911 AD, according to the human calendar, a war between angels and demons took place. The war took place on earth for the possession of the earth. These years are also known as the dark ages on earth.

I flipped through some pages as they explained the beginning of the war.

In The Court of the Second Sun, a peace treaty was signed between the angels and the demons. As the war had destroyed the earth on a large scale. The humans saw and knew too much about both angels and demons. A mass wipe out of memory was done. Every proof of angel or demon life was erased. But fate had to be balanced to let the world live. So The Court of the Second Sun was founded. Where the treaty was signed.

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