Chapter 11

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Recover from what?

The thought encircled my head constantly.

Symptoms of one-month starvation.

The sacred forest.

My supernatural powers.

Everything moved around me like a whirlwind.

It frustrated me and irritated me even more and more. I picked up anything in my vicinity and threw it. It hit the wall and shattered on the ground.
I realized it was the flower vase situated on the bedside table.


I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"FUCK THIS!" I threw the next thing that my hand caught.

"I don't give a shit about this and won't give anymore!" I balled my hands in a fist and tried to control my anger.
"It was all just a nightmare. Just a dream. Nothing has happened. I am just a girl who was cut off by her family. Nothing abnormal!" I tried to convince myself.

"Nothing of what I saw is true! It's just a damn nightmare! A. Fucking. Nightmare."

I stood up from the bed. I stumbled a bit but quickly gained my posture.

"I will go to school today, just like a normal girl would." I pledged and glanced at the watch.

8:30 am.

Caitlin and Jean must have left for work already.

I walked into the bathroom for a shower.


"Hi! How are you? It's been a long time. " Laura greeted me meekly as I sat beside her.

"Yeah, it's been." I replied in a monotone. I glanced at her and gave a small smile. I watched as she took my appearance in.

"You look pale." She pointed. Colour drained out of my face as I remembered the past events.

"I haven't been doing fine lately..." I managed to say. I looked away and focused ahead. Trying to avoid further questions.

Our math teacher arrived and settled everyone down.
"Listen here, people!" He waited for the class to quiet down. "I have decided to cancel all the assignments that were to be submitted in the next two weeks or more." A loud cheer went through the class. "Let me finish, please!" The class went silent again. "But in place of those assignments, I am going to conduct a class test today."
A series of curses and sighs went through the crowd.
"So this te- GUYS PLEASE!" He shouted at the top of his voice. "I am not finished yet. So this test holds 25% of your total marks. And the test is not gonna be easy! Any questions?"


"Yes, Shaina?"

"Sir..." Shaina purred. "Can't we keep the test tomorrow? "She asked like a cat.

"No, we can't." He dismissed her. "Everybody, get ready for the test! Anybody caught peeking, talking, or even borrowing something will be given a zero." He instructed.

I was normal would be an understatement of the century. I was scared beyond limits. I had not touched my book in the past week. I did not even know the hell was taught in the class.

Question papers were distributed and everybody was scared. I looked at my question paper. The first question seemed easy. I remember doing it in class. The image of the solved sum was embedded in my mind. Quickly I started copying it down.

I remembered quite a lot of questions. The images seemed as if I had the solved material then and there physically in front of me. A crystal clear memory. Something that I never had before.

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