Chapter 6: Part 2

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I threw my bag down on my bed and laid down beside it.

It was 4:13 pm. Father would reach the town, from work, by 6:30 pm. I had a lot of time to spend.

"Let's take a shower. I am bloody stinking." I said to myself. My body was reeking of sweat and was covered in mud. I groaned as I got up from my heaven (bed) and went into the bathroom.

After a good hour of bathing and watching a movie later, I got up to grab another bowl of snacks. I came back empty-handed, as the snacks I had eaten were the last of the stock.

I groaned and took out a can of milk, a chocolate bar, and coffee powder. I heated the milk and melt the chocolate alongside. Meanwhile, I took my mug from the cabinets. I added a spoonful of coffee, and a half or less spoon of sugar and waited. Then I mixed all the ingredients in the mug, stirred for a while, and took a long swing of my drink.

The heavenly taste of chocolate instantly refreshed me. I went over to the window and stared out into the cold climate as I downed the hot chocolate. This small and simple technique always soothed me. Soon, I started thinking about the conversation I'll have with my dear father.


I was walking down the dark alleyway, the shortcut to my father's place of work.

The darkness had never scared me before. But this time it was different. This time I felt soothed, a sense of belongingness had engulfed me as I walked in the darkness. I felt fearless and independent. Something that I had been craving for such a long time.

I stopped at the bright end of the dark alley. I could see the gates of my father's firm. I knew he would come to this alleyway. He always smoked a cigarette at the entrance of the alleyway before returning home. Nobody knew about this habit of his. Neither Laura nor Mother. How did I know? I had gone out for a walk on an evening and stumbled across this alley. I decided to explore the alley and soon found out about my father's this habit.

I heard some footsteps and saw my father coming toward the alley. I quickly hid in the darkest corner I could find and watched.

The footsteps just stopped at the entrance of the alley where the last ray of light that entered the alley. Even though it was a dark alley, he stood at the brightest spot.

He pulled out a packet, lit one, and took a long swig. Just as he puffed out smoke, I stepped out of the dark.

"Hey, dad!" I said slyly. He jumped and turned to face me. Choking on the smoke he had himself created.

"Ree? You scared me!" He said trying to regain his posture. "What are you doing here, Ree?" He asked with innocence.

"Oh! I just thought I'd stop by and say hi." I said with a smirk. I don't know from where all the bitchiness was coming from but I was loving it.
Immediately, he threw his cigarette on the ground and put it out with his foot.

Then I brought my wings out in front of him.

"I believe you have questions." he said unphased by my wings.

"Yes" I said and walked to a bench in the alley. He just nodded and followed me.

Just as we settled down, I wasted no time and shot my question. "How did you find me?"

He stiffened but tried not to show. He opened his mouth to say but I beat him to it.

"I don't want that 'I found you deep in the forest' crap. You never go that deep in the forest. I want to know the truth this time. " I demanded. He took a deep breath, eased his shoulders and prepared to answer. I waited patiently for him.

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