Chapter 5

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I... Have... Wings! I could not believe my eyes. A feeling of pride and power filled me. I was floating horizontally in the air, I changed my position to vertical and I gazed back down at my classmates. A smirk grazing my face. None of them moved. It was as if they were under a spell. Their eyes were wide and jaws touched the floor. I internally laughed at their expression. The room was pin-drop silent, the only noise was the fluttering of my wings. Every time I fluttered my wings, a gush of air hit me filling me with chaste.

I came back to the ground and examined my wings. They were very soft. And these were mine. I could not believe it. My attention went back to the crowd in front of me. They were still staring up at the ceiling where I had been. They are under a spell.

I gazed out of the window. The trees were in a state of a statue. It seemed like a gush of wind was bending it but there was no wind. No leaf was moving. The trees were still leaning. No birds were chirping. There was a gardener on the school ground, spraying water on the bushes. He stood completely still. The water seemed to be moving but was still. It was as if it was frozen but without the temperature being dropped. I walked out of my classroom to another. Everything there was still. I went to another and another. Nobody was moving. It seemed like time was frozen. Some students in the corridor were glued to their spot, statues in the action they were doing before.


Was the only question in my mind. Suddenly my wings fluttered without my permission and started carrying me. I was flown towards a wall. I tried to stop but the wings were not in my control. I was gonna hit the wall. I tried to stop a lot but it all went in vain. I was just a few inches away from the wall, I closed my eyes bracing for the impact but it never came. I opened my eyes to see myself a few meters away from the school building and I was flying at such great height. Adrenaline took over my senses and I swirled in the air. Flying was so much better than I ever imagined. I flew in circles around the school building enjoying the gush of air. If I was happy before, I was insanely happy now. Laughter bubbled up in me. I flew and flew. I raced from high to low and low to high. I explored what my wings could do, and how much could they take.

After what seemed like infinity, after I had enough I went back to my class. It was time to get back to normal things. I landed on my feet.

But how can I make my wings disappear again? Just then a snap sounded, followed by crushing of bones, some feathers flew in the air and then a final snap sounded. I looked to my right to see my wings gone. So I just had to think of them disappearing to make them disappear. I smirked at my new accomplishment and went back to my seat.

But what about the frozen time? How is that gonna come back to normal? Maybe if I think of it coming back to normal will it happen, just like my wings? I closed my eyes and imagined things coming back to normal. I opened my eyes to see nothing had happened. People were still a statue, the time was still frozen. I frowned. I was acting stupid. I shook my head at myself. I gazed out of the window observing the landscape.

After a hell lot of time of sitting there and waiting for everything to go back to normal, I was hungry. I stood up and walked the hallways and numerous classes to reach the canteen. I walked up to the counter and saw a pizza. It was a shitty pizza but it would be fine for now. I took a plate and placed the pizza. I placed some more items and sat on an empty chair and started eating. After eating to my full, I went and started exploring the school. Tired of walking, I thought of having my wings back. I looked to my left. No sign of wings. I frowned. Frustrated, I decided to go back to my class. I was in no mood to walk anymore.

I went back to my seat and kept my head down and tried to sleep. After a lot of fidgeting, twisting, turning, and trying to sleep, I gave up. Anger took hold of me. This was irritating. I took out my phone to read an e-book but my phone won't start. The desperation of trying to switch the phone on turned to anger. I angrily pushed the power button, letting all the anger and frustration on that piece of plastic and metal. I let out a frustrated growl and smacked the phone on my desk. Anger was taking over me, I writhed and trembled in anger. My palms dug into my hair, trying to pull it out. A tear escaped from my eye and fell on the desk. Just when I was about to absent-mindedly wipe it away, something caught my eye.

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