Chapter 15

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The word that had always been foreign to me now had taken over my everyday world. I'd never thought I'd use it as much. Using it makes me feel complete as if the last piece of a jigsaw puzzle came together. We sit in my room every day, talking about several things and laughing. We have all our meals together. She would tell me one of her stories at night, and I would fall asleep on her lap. A minuscule thing that I had been denied of, all those years. I loved it. I loved every part of my new life. How ironic! I'm living heaven in hell!

I am recovering fast and will be almost fit in a few days. Lucifer and mom think it's time for me to be introduced to the kingdom. And tomorrow, I'll be given a tour of hell. The tour would take at least 2-3 human months. I don't know how I feel about this though.

The only thing that mattered to me was...


A knock sounded on the door, interrupting my train of thoughts. I smiled as Iris led herself in. She placed another fresh fruit and protein plate for me and disappeared.

I looked out the window and recalled all the events that led me here. My wings having a mind of their own, the red tears, my red eyes, glowing palms, and the ability to stop time. I need to learn to control them all.

Maybe mom would know? After all, she's the mother of all demons.

I stood up and decided to take a tour of the castle. Now that I have some of my strength back, I could use the chance to even go to the ancient library Iris was talking about.

The door of my room was large and made of stone. Just as I brought my hand up to push the door, it opened by itself. I stepped outside and a warm breeze passed through me.

The corridor was wide and made of red stone. There were lamp holders lined up on each side. Intricate designs covered the edges of the walls. It looked very medieval, very beautiful! I trailed my fingers over the designs and the whole corridor lit up. The designs on the wall are illuminated by bright white light. I tried to look for the source of light but there was none. Maybe I'll ask Iris.

I continued down the corridor admiring every painting and sculpture. I had never seen such ancient and unique things before. All my life I used to be cooped up in my studies or chores. Only once in a blue moon, I would get to go on a hike on a hill near the forest. Even for that, I had to wake up at 4 am to catch the sunrise and be home before anyone woke up.

Those hikes were the only thing that I looked forward to. The morning breeze, the view, everything was calming and enchanting. I always wished I could sit there forever.

I descended down some stairs and reached a big hall. People were going about their business. There was one thing in common with each of them. All had burning red irises. The same ones Lucifer, Lilith and Iris had.

I turned around to leave the room but my elbow hit a vase and it fell to the ground with a huge noise echoing across the room. It gained everyone's attention and all eyes were on me. Embarrassed, I tried to pick up the pieces and move away from the crime scene as fast as I could. Just as I was about to leave, I saw everyone kneeling on the ground and their heads bowed.

Now, this had become awkward. I didn't know what to do. And I just stood there like a statue watching them.


It was Lilith. She did a quick wave of her hand and the vase was back to how it was. And everyone continued their work.

I still stood there with now a mix of embarrassment, amazement and confusion.

"Come dearie, I'll show you something you might like." She said with such softness that my embarrassment vanished. But I was still confused about the exchange that happened before.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2022 ⏰

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